Java Hot Chocolate

My Java and Software-development Corner
Russell Bateman
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Mea culpa : Beginning circa 2015 and my flight to IntelliJ IDEA, except for Bluebook Notes and
Java Topics and Tutorials, much of this is little more than ancient cobwebs.

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Bluebook Notes

A sort of locus communis (τόπος κοίνος)
or stuff I'm trying not to forget.

Java Topics and Tutorials

Tutorials and articles on Java and JEE topics.


Articles on databases like MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQuirreL.

Development Process

Development process and tools like Git, Subversion, Jenkins, etc..


Testing technologies and techniques.


Articles on related, but relevant technologies to Java, JEE, web programming and Eclipse.


...except, traitor, I use IntelliJ IDEA now.


Some good links.