The Debian/Ubuntu Platform Package Manager
Debian package manager details
For Debian/Ubuntu, see documentation at . These are the commands
we’re going to use in an installation script...
dpkg -i package-file .deb
Uninstall (remove):
dpkg -r package-name
dpkg -A package-file .deb
Information/ontology (search):
dpkg -C
List information (less than clearly indicated in the man page):
dpkg -l package-name
This is to study how to install VAS on Debian/Ubuntu. (Pronounced /DAY bjan/.)
On the day this was composed, I had only an Ubuntu box to work with. To skip all
this primitive stuff and get on with some Debian package building, go
here .
Platform details from uname et al...
root@redbox:~# uname -a
Linux 2.6.15-23-386 #1 PREEMPT Tue May 23 13:49:40 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux
(kernel-name, nodename, kernel-release, kernel-version, machine, [processor, hardware-platform]
In comparison with host taliesin , ...
russ@taliesin:~> uname -a
Linux 2.6.13-15.8-smp #1 SMP Tue Feb 7 11:07:24 UTC 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
Linux 2.6.15-23-386 #1 PREEMPT Tue May 23 13:49:40 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux
Back to redbox ...
root@redbox:~# uname -m # (machine)
root@redbox:~# uname -p # (processor)
root@redbox:~# uname -i # (hardware-platform)
...and to see how we can discover the names “Debian”
or “Ubuntu”...
root@redbox:/etc# cat /etc/debian_version
Finally, from , we discovered the
/etc/lsb-release file.
root@redbox:~# ls -l /etc/lsb-release
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 101 2006-05-22 02:43 lds-release
root@redbox:~# cat /etc/lsb-release
Presumably, the following would come from an actual Debian host:
# cat /etc/lsb-release
Another Ubuntu description seen...
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu (The Hoary Hedgehog Release)", the codename and description strings are pretty useless.
However, reading deeper, it appears that the lsb_release -a command is
root@redbox:/etc# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
Release: 6.06
Codename: dapper
..., but /etc/issue is much easier to parse and a good last resort
anyway if the lsb_release command isn’t present (they said it not
I). This is what we’re going to use in the installation script:
root@redbox:/etc# cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS \n \l
Package manager (dpkg ) details...
rpm is present, but nothing is installed...
root@redbox:~# rpm
RPM version 4.4.1
Copyright (C) 1998-2002 - Red Hat, Inc.
This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL
root@redbox:~# rpm
(no reponse because no packages installed)
This is one of the proper Debian package managers (the lowest-level; the other
one is apt )...
root@redbox:~# dpkg -l
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name Version Description
ii acpi 0.09-1 displays information on ACPI devices
(many packages listed...)
root@redbox:/etc# ll | grep dpkg
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 96 2006-06-07 15:01 dpkg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 470 2005-09-29 11:40 nsswitch.conf.dpkg-dist
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 552 2006-05-12 11:42 pam.conf.dpkg-dist
Compare with host taliesin ...
russ@taliesin:~> ll /etc | grep dpkg
dpkg commands...
To install...
# dpkg --install package-path
# dpkg -i package-path
To list installed packages...
# dpkg -list package-name-pattern
# dpkg -l package-name-pattern
Unused by the install script, this command lists the files installed to the
system by the package:
# dpkg -listfiles package-name
# dpkg -L package-name
To upgrade...
# dpkg --update-avail package-path
There is also dpkg -A package-path which I was using, but
according to the man page, that might not be as useful as the one listed here.
To uninstall (remove)...
# dpkg -remove package-name
# dpkg -r package-name
I heard it asserted by someone in the vim newsgroup that the only
command that truly uninstalls a package is. This is because the remove command
doesn’t remove the configuration files.
# dpkg --purge package-name
# dpkg -P package-name
Lists all packages containing .
# dpkg - l | grep
Show where everything is installed.
# dpkg -L
Debian package manager apt ...
Ubuntu/Debian package manager. For a long time, I called this "Aptitude" thinking
that apt was just short of that word. After a decade of believing that,
I discovered during a presentation that it stands for advanced packaging tool ,
though Aptitude does exist in relation to apt . The relation is simply that
Aptitude is a front-end with user interace to the advanced packaging tool's command-line
interface. Also, though I've never seen proof of this, Aptitude at some point extended
its coverage to Red Hat packaing (RPM). Simply put, I mistook what Aptitude is and I
don't think I've ever actually used it. I've only ever used apt .
russ@taliesin:~> apt-cache search element
russ@taliesin:~> apt-get install package-name
dpkg tricks...
Building dpkg s...
16 January 2006
The package is usually built using dpkg-buildpackage , which reads
several files, to be located in the Debian subdirectory of a source tree
copyright containing license terms.
control containing the package name, description and
rules a sub-makefile with rules for building a package. It also
includes compiling the sources, something we probably do not want to
bother with since we’ve already done that before we get down to
package building. This file must begin with
#!/usr/bin/make -f so that it can be evoked explicitly by
name. It has the following targets:
build configuration/compilation
build-arch (optional) architecture-dependent stuff
build-indep (optional) architecture-independent stuff
binary all that is necessary to build the binary
packages, split into...
binary-arch architecture-specific binaries
binary-indep architecture-independent binaries
get-orig-source (optional)
changelog containing the changelog.
Other tools exist also; files I believe refers to a list of
participating files used at points in the building process.
dpkg-buildpackage control script used to construct a package
dpkg-source packs and unpacks the source files.
dpkg-deb packs and unpacks binary packages.
dpkg-gencontrol reads information from an unpacked tree
source and generates a binary package control package, creating an
entry for this in files .
dpkg-shlibdeps calculates the dependencies of runs with respect
to libraries.
dpkg-genchanges reads information from an unpacked tree
source that once constructed creates a control file (.changes).
dpkg-distaddfile adds a file input to files .
dpkg-parsechangelog reads the changelog of an unpacked
tree source and creates a conveniently prepared output with the
information for those changes.
debhelper is a suite of programs to help write and maintain a
rules file. It obviates a lot of cutting and pasting.
Common Debian Build System (CDBS)
exists to make Debian package creation easier, in particular, the rules
step. However, VAS is already compiled by the time a package is built.
It’s unclear whether this will be helpful.
Once built, a Debian package can be checked for common problems using
lintian .
There seem to be some imperatives when creating a package for Debian/Ubuntu
distribution. This is explained in the
Debian Policy Manual .
This includes categorization into one of three sections, main ,
contrib utory and non-free . Refer to the manual, 2.4 Sections, on
this. Each package needs a priority value (2.5 Priorities) including
required , important , standard , optional and
extra . These mostly refer to Debian OS components; VAS would probably be
strictly “extra.”
The package name is specified by Package in the control field and
survives all the way into the .deb file.
The version is recorded by Version and is in adequate format for
dpkg to discern whether packages are being up- or down-graded, etc.
A maintaining person or group must be specified by Maintainer ; this is
an e-mail address, i.e.:
Quest Software, Inc. <[email protected] > .
In addition to the above, every package must have:
Description with enough information for an administrator to
decide whether he wants the package, including information on
significant software dependencies (i.e.: requires the qt library,
There is a synopsis and an extended description, but I don’t yet
know how they are included.
Pre-depends an entry for a package, like VAS, on which the
listing package depends.
Standards-version , the most recent version of the policy manual
on which the package was based.
The package installation scripts are not supposed to produce output that
isn’t strictly necessary for the user to see.
(I left off reading at the end of chapter 4 because Jeff wasn’t serious
about doing native-package building for Debian.)
Rebuild apt-get source lists...
Sometimes, it's useful to remove apt lists and rebuild them.
sudo /root access is needed: Do this:
# sudo bash
$ cd /var/lib/apt
$ mv lists lists.old
$ apt-get update
Look also at the output from
$ apt-key list
Preventing packages from being updated...
Block Ubuntu from ever updating Cassandra. This is because I'm working on a
plug-in that only works with a, specific version of Cassandra.
# apt-mark hold cassandra
cassandra set on hold.
Building Debian packages
Here are some notes on building Debian packages. Be sure to see
Building dpkg s... above too.
To get started, you don't need anything special to build a Debian package
except dpkg and whatever you're building into the package, which is
pretty much your own business.
The Debian package consists of:
Control file
Conflict (sort of "anti-dependencies")
Control file
This is basically a manifest in much the same way as MANIFEST.MF
for a JAR or WAR file. Inside, there's a build number (version) that you'll
want to increment automatically from whatever system (like ant ) you're
building the package with.
Package: accountmgr
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Acme group
Section: accountmgr
Architecture: amd64
Version: 2.09.113
Size: 30000
Installed-Size: 30000
Depends: tomcat6 (>= 6.0)
Description: Acme Account Services package
Follow these steps, probably in ant . This is very fuzzy still; I'm
working on a good methodology for these notes.
Create a filesystem modeling the installation.
Copy files, including the main ones (like a WAR) into the filesystem
Copy scripts into a script area (this is a subset of the previous step)
Fix up permissions (made necessary by ant whose commands do not
deal very well with filesystem permissions issues.
Build the package using dpkg --build package-root
This creates package .deb.
Add detail to the package thus: dpkg --info package .deb
Tuck it into some apt-get repository.
Advanced packaging tool repository (apt )
This is proprietary; you choose a repository belonging to your company. Target
hosts (hosts that install your software) set up their repository
source lists to include your repository whence their commands find
your new package and install, upgrade or remove it. The commands are:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install package
$ sudo apt-get update package
$ sudo apt-get purge package
Building Debian packages—a practical example
I downloaded MongoDB to repair the post-install script. I'm going to do this
and keep it around for use instead of trying to get it from apt-get .
Download the Debian package—without installing it.
This is especially easy if you've got a place where it's already
downloaded. Check the path /var/cache/apt/archives for the
package. Otherwise (and I haven't done this), you might be able
to get it via this command, which typically won't work if you do
happen already to have it:
$ sudo apt-get --download-only mongodb-10gen
Next, copy the package to a nice place where you can work on it, e.g.:
/home/user/Downloads/mongodb . Make that your current working
Create a new subdirectory where the package contents will go, e.g.:
mongodb-package . You should now see the following in
~/Downloads/mongodb $ ll
drwxr-xr-x 3 russ russ 4096 Jul 29 14:21 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 russ russ 4096 Jul 29 14:16 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 russ russ 87724864 Jul 29 14:21 mongodb-10gen_2.4.5_amd64.deb
drwxr-xr-x 6 russ russ 4096 Jul 29 14:01 mongodb-package
Then, extract the package to it:
~/Downloads/mongodb $ dpkg-deb -x mongodb-10gen_2.4.5_amd64.deb ./mongodb-package
You should now see the entire package contents extracted in your
~/Downloads/mongodb $ tree
|-- mongodb-10gen_2.4.5_amd64.deb
`-- mongodb-package
| |-- conffiles
| |-- control
| |-- md5sums
| |-- postinst
| |-- postrm
| |-- preinst
| `-- prerm
|-- etc
| |-- init
| | `-- mongodb.conf
| |-- init.d
| | `-- mongodb -> /lib/init/upstart-job
| `-- mongodb.conf
|-- usr
| |-- bin
| | |-- bsondump
| | |-- mongo
| | |-- mongod
| | |-- mongodump
| | |-- mongoexport
| | |-- mongofiles
| | |-- mongoimport
| | |-- mongooplog
| | |-- mongoperf
| | |-- mongorestore
| | |-- mongos
| | |-- mongostat
| | `-- mongotop
| |-- sbin
| `-- share
| |-- doc
| | `-- mongodb-10gen
| | |-- changelog.gz
| | `-- copyright
| |-- lintian
| | `-- overrides
| | `-- mongodb-10gen
| `-- man
| `-- man1
| |-- bsondump.1.gz
| |-- mongo.1.gz
| |-- mongod.1.gz
| |-- mongodump.1.gz
| |-- mongoexport.1.gz
| |-- mongofiles.1.gz
| |-- mongoimport.1.gz
| |-- mongooplog.1.gz
| |-- mongoperf.1.gz
| |-- mongorestore.1.gz
| |-- mongos.1.gz
| |-- mongosniff.1.gz
| |-- mongostat.1.gz
| `-- mongotop.1.gz
`-- var
`-- lib
`-- mongodb
18 directories, 41 files
Next, modify what's bugging you. In my case, this was the postinst
Finally, reassemble the package:
~/Downloads/mongodb # dpkg-deb -b ./mongodb-package/ mongodb-10gen_2.4.5_amd64.deb
dpkg-deb: building package `mongodb-10gen' in `mongodb-10gen_2.4.5_amd64.deb'.
To examine the reassembly and/or compare it to the original, you can use
Nautilus (the GUI file system explorer) by finding the new (and old) package,
right-clicking on it and choosing Open with Archive Manager . Then,
if you want to see the contents of a text file, right-click the text file
and choose gvim (etc.) to see it. You can't modify them there
since everything is read-only.
The resulting package should install without trouble anywhere you copy it
using the Debian package manager (rather than apt-get ):
$ sudo dpkg -i mongodb-10gen_2.4.5_amd64.deb
The package problem I fixed...
For my own record: what I did to the postinst script 'cause I'll likely
have to do it again.
Basically, the problem is that this script grep s /etc/passwd
to see if user mongodb already exists and if it doesn't, tries to
create it. This doesn't work if your server's managed with LDAP and happens
already to define user mongodb . Don't know why powers that be decided
to create such a user, but it's in LDAP and not in /etc/passwd .
adduser doesn't work just on what's in or not in that local file.
The presence of this user makes me have to fix this script and run dpkg
by hand everywhere I wish to install. Otherwise, apt-get install
fails because dpkg fails. No automatic updates either.
I commented out the first line here in italics and added the line
in bold , then rebuilt the package which worked.
21 case "$1" in
22 configure)
23 # create a mongodb group and user
24 #if ! grep -q mongodb /etc/passwd; then
25 if ! id mongodb ; then
26 adduser --system --no-create-home mongodb
27 addgroup --system mongodb
28 adduser mongodb mongodb
29 fi