IP and Network Management Notes
last update:
Finally, a place for IP-specific stuff. Most of what I want to put in here
is still scattered here and there among Linux, Ubunut, Mint, etc. and in
notes on ssh . So notes here will grow.
The most pernicious and frustrating network problem is when you spend any
time diagnosing network problems on a host physically disconnected from the
Network management with an historical aspect
Since the advent of systemd (and I have no idea why systemd
has any involvement in this), Ethernet interfaces have, instead of names like
eth0 , new, weird names like enp0s3 .
I think why systemd comes into this is that about the time Network
Management because a systemd -managed service, it also began to use
the new naming. So, /etc/network/interfaces has nothing to do with
systemd , but it is Network Manager's configuration which is relevant
when systectl is used to start, stop or restart networking.
NetworkManager stores configuration in /etc/network/interfaces and/or
subdirectories if-down.d , if-post-down.d , if-pre-up.d ,
if-up.d and interfaces.d . I've had trouble getting what I put in
the subdirectories to have an influence, but I think it's because I wasn't
doing things right on the outside yet when I tried them. In any case, you must
annotate /etc/network/interfaces with:
source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d
source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
...etc. to get subdirectory content brought up into the equation. In some earlier
versions, source-directory doesn't seem to work.
Where is stuff stored?
Boot-up configuration for network interfaces, no matter how managed, is stored
in /etc/network/interfaces (modernly, at least).
The DNS server list is stored in /etc/resolv.conf . That's another adventure
in itself since there is also subdirectory fun since modern times surrounding that
file. In some versions of Ubuntu/Mint, you'll get occasional complaints telling
you that this "file" needs to be a symbolic link now to
../run/resolveconf/resolv.conf . (That equates to /run/resolvconf
which is a different subdirectory from /etc/resolvconf . Go figure.)
Modern management of DHCP is done by dhclient . I know nothing about
this yet.
The lastest and greatest...
The most modern network administration is not being done, starting with Ubuntu
18.04, by NetworkManager, but by something called Netplan which consumes
YAML files on the path, /etc/netplan . This is the setting in which I first
encountered this way of configuration.
Typically, Netplan YAML files are given names with a numeric prefix according to
the format, nn-name.yaml , such that filenames with lower values of
nn have their configuration applied earlier than others. You can create as
many configuration files as you need. Here's a sample configuration; let's say
it's in /etc/netplan/01-static-ip.yaml :
version: 2
renderer: networkd
dhcp4: no
dhcp6: no
addresses: []*
addresses: [,,]
* For enhanced quad notation like xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/nn ,
see Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR) elsewhere in these notes.)
It appears that Netplan already creates configuration for loopback, and you
should not try to do it yourself (at least because unnecessary),
/etc/netplan/00-loopback.yaml :
version: 2
renderer: networkd
addresses: []
Network Manager /etc/network/interfaces
/etc/network # cat interfaces
# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto enp0s3*
iface enp0s3 inet static
* If you forget this line, as happened to me once upon a time,
you'll experience not having this interface come back after reboot. You'll
have to get it going by hand:
# ifip enp0s3
...which makes Network Manager check /etc/network/interfaces for details
on how to bring it up.
After modifying this file, I can bounce networking for my host and then
inspect what my host claims as its network configuration:
/etc/network # systemctl restart networking
/etc/network # ifconfig
enp0s3 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:00:27:cb:f4:2e
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fecb:f42e/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:1451 errors:0 dropped:61 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:137 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:157578 (157.5 KB) TX bytes:32229 (32.2 KB)
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:366 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:366 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:18256 (18.2 KB) TX bytes:18256 (18.2 KB)
Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR)
This is a scheme or compact representation of an IP address and its routing
prefix, using a slash and a decimal number to represent the number of significant
bits for the subnet mask. Let's remember these subnet mask types:
255.xxx.xxx.xxx Class A
255.255.xxx.xxx Class B
255.255.255.xxx Class C
In an address like
One is meant to understand a subnet mask of which uses a total of 8+8+6+0 bits.
In , all of the bits (32 or 11111111 to make 255 ) are used.
11111100 uses only 22 bits, hence, an address matching xxx.xxx.252.0 .
There's probably a better way of explaining this, but it's how I think of it.
Domain Name System (DNS) resolver (/etc/resolv.conf )
/etc/resolv.conf is the configuration for a host's Domain Name System 's
resolver. It's created by the system administrator as well as abused by many
old programs and nasty VPNs. It consists of lines like:
search example.com local.lan
nameserver aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
nameserver mmm.nnn.ooo.ppp
nameserver www.xxx.yyy.zzz
Many systems insist that this file be defined thus:
~ # ll /etc/resolv.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 Sep 18 13:43 /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf
It seems like...
~ # chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
chattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device while reading flags on resolv.conf
...would defend it against pernicious treatment, but this is not possible
for several reasons:
chattr does not work on symbolic links.
/run is a tmpfs (RAM disk) filesystem and it doesn't support
extended attributes; if you try this, you'll get the error you see above.
The point of a virtual, private network (VPN) is to recreate a world behind
a firewall for protection. In that world, different ways of reaching the
Internet, via different nameservers, may be the only ways out and the
nameservers you usually have in resolv.conf aren't reachable from
that world.
More modern implementations, besides using the symbolic link noted above, also
preconize a system of subdirectories to /etc/resolvconf/ :
...that allow more permanent settings to be specified (that will not be smoked by
old-assumption applications and VPNs). For example, you might create, in
resolv.conf.d , a file, base , with the settings you want to remember.
Don't put a search line in, however, as it will not be retained. The
canonical files to put into this subdirectory are:
...and they behave somewhat differently as to what happens to their content.
For example, comments in head appear to survive into resolv.conf ,
while comments in the other two do not.
Lines in base should be included in resolv.conf even when no
interface is configured in /etc/network/interfaces .
What is true of all, however, is that their content is never (or never to be)
overwritten by anyone except an editor jockey.
If nothing else, you'll have a place to go to see what you used to have and want
to restore to /etc/resolv.conf if it's ever hopelessly messed up. To restore,
~ # resolvconf -u
Some consider it more correct to indicate DNS settings in /etc/network/interfaces
using dns-nameservers than to use nameserver in resolv.conf since
it accompanies the device interface by which the service is likely to be reached.
However, none of this is especially fool-proof in my experience.
In a Linux VM, say a VirtualBox VM in bridged mode, there can be some
perniciousness experienced when the host computer is running a VPN.
dhclient (/etc/dhcp/ ) tricks
This is new-ish. This is how you configure DHCP for the host. This mechanism
consists of
~ # tree /etc/dhcp/
├── debug
├── dhclient.conf
├── dhclient-enter-hooks.d
│ └── (stuff)
└── dhclient-exit-hooks.d
└── (stuff)
More on dhclient elsewhere at another time.
Editing /etc/network/interfaces doesn't prevent resolv.conf from
being overwritten; it simply specifies the name servers that should be written.
A dhclient solution can keep pernicious (?) applications and VPNs from
mucking with the contents of resolv.conf .
Create a new file, nodnsupdate , at /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/
with the following contents:
Make the file executable:
~ # chmod +x /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/nodnsupdate
When dhclient runs, whether at boot or when ifdown -a ; sudo ifup -a
is done manually, dhclient loads this script. This script overrides an
internal function called make_resolv_conf() that would normally overwrite
resolv.conf . Instead it does nothing.