2. Web Presentation Technologies

Presentations by Study Group Members

At this point, you should have one or two HTML pages containing a mock-up of what you intend to use for our J2EE project (the DVD titles database and web presentation). Here are the presentations of those who have finished so far.

Author: Russell Bateman

Russ' DVD list. I liked the color-gradient trick Scott used to differentiate his table entries, so I stole it, but I didn't like over-loading some of the prompts, headings and other text information to make them controls on the page. Instead I made separate controls for filtering and sorting. The reason I'm doing so much here (i.e.: have more and different fields than the exercise) is that I happen to have had a DVD list for about 6-7 years now and I need to get all that information into this project.

Russ' update/data entry page. My update page is separate from the report page.

Author: Scott Franson

Scott's DVD list.

Author: John Gay

John's data entry page.