This is my own approach to writing a Chef recipe for the installation and maintenance of MongoDB in a data center.
These are on the path nodes.
The replica nodes are idential except for name and normal::port values.
{ "normal": { "port" : 27017, "rollup" : "replicaset-1" }, "name": "db01", "override": { }, "default": { }, "json_class": "Chef::Node", "automatic": { }, "run_list": [ "recipe[apt]", "recipe[mongodb]", "recipe[mongodb::replica]", "role[install-database-node]", "role[install-replica-node]" ], "chef_type": "node" }
This is a normal, replica node, but it also, arbitrarily rolls up the whole replica set by occasioning configuration done in the MongoDB shell in replicaset.rb, role config-replicaset.
{ "normal": { "port" : 27019, "rollup" : "replicaset-1" }, "name": "db03", "override": { }, "default": { }, "json_class": "Chef::Node", "automatic": { }, "run_list": [ "recipe[apt]", "recipe[mongodb]", "recipe[mongodb::replica]", "recipe[mongodb::replicaset]", "role[install-database-node]", "role[install-replica-node]", "role[config-replicaset]" ], "chef_type": "node" }
This is the (single) configuration server.
{ "normal": { "rollup" : "configsvr", "which" : "configsvr_1" }, "name": "db04", "override": { }, "default": { }, "json_class": "Chef::Node", "automatic": { }, "run_list": [ "recipe[apt]", "recipe[mongodb]", "recipe[mongodb::configsvr]", "role[install-database-node]", "role[install-configsvr]" ], "chef_type": "node" }
And here is the sharding router.
{ "normal": { "rollup" : "shard-1" }, "name": "db05", "override": { }, "default": { }, "json_class": "Chef::Node", "automatic": { }, "run_list": [ "recipe[apt]", "recipe[mongodb]", "recipe[mongodb::sharding]", "recipe[mongodb::add-shard]", "role[install-database-node]", "role[install-sharding-router]" ], "chef_type": "node" }
Tentative: I haven't tested this yet nor the corresponding code in add-shard.rb.
Let's say we were going to have a second sharding router. Let's specify how to enable sharing and add a shard key.
{ "normal": { "rollup" : "shard-2", "sharding" : { { "database" : <database-name> }, { "collection" : <collection-name> }, { "field1" : <field-name> }, { "field2" : <field-name> }, { "fieldn" : <field-name> ) } }, "name": "db05", "override": { }, "default": { }, "json_class": "Chef::Node", "automatic": { }, "run_list": [ "recipe[apt]", "recipe[mongodb]", "recipe[mongodb::sharding]", "recipe[mongodb::add-shard]", "role[install-database-node]", "role[install-sharding-router]" ], "chef_type": "node" }
These are on the path roles.
This is underneath all MongoDB node types.
name "install-database-node" description "Role for installing basic MongoDB" for_database_servers = %w{ recipe[apt] recipe[mongodb] } run_list for_database_servers
name "install-replica-node" description "Role for installing a MongoDB replica node" for_database_servers = %w{ recipe[apt] recipe[mongodb] recipe[mongodb::replica] } run_list for_database_servers
name "config-replicaset" description "Role for rolling up MongoDB replica sets" for_database_servers = %w{ recipe[apt] recipe[mongodb] recipe[mongodb::replica] recipe[mongodb::replicaset] } run_list for_database_servers
name "install-configsvr" description "Role for erecting a MongoDB configuration server" for_database_servers = %w{ recipe[apt] recipe[mongodb] recipe[mongodb::configsvr] } run_list for_database_servers
name "install-sharding-router" description "Role for erecting a MongoDB sharding router" for_database_servers = %w{ recipe[apt] recipe[mongodb] recipe[mongodb::sharding] recipe[mongodb::add-shard] } run_list for_database_servers
These are on the path data_bags/rollups.
Yeah, for additional replica sets, there are other data bags...
{ "id" : "replicaset-1", "name" : "replica", "description" : "Shard 1 replica set", "replica_1" : { "hostname" : "", "port" : 27017, "node" : "db01" }, "replica_2" : { "hostname" : "", "port" : 27018, "node" : "db02" }, "replica_3" : { "hostname" : "", "port" : 27019, "node" : "db03", "primary" : true } }
There are two other data bags for configuration server configuration.
{ "id" : "configsvr", "description" : "Configuration server", "configsvr_1" : { "hostname" : "", "port" : 27017 } }
For additional shards, there are more bags...
{ "id" : "shard-1", "description" : "Shard 1", "port" : 27017, "replicaset_bag" : "replicaset-1", "configsvr_bag" : "configsvr" }
These are on the path cookbooks/mongodb.
node.default[ :mongodb ][ :package ] = "mongodb-10gen"
# Ubuntu default upstart configuration calqued on /etc/init/mongodb.conf description "Keeps MongoDB running between boots" limit nofile 20000 20000 kill timeout 300 # wait 300s between SIGTERM and SIGKILL. pre-start script exec start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --chuid mongodb --exec /usr/bin/mongod -- --config /data/mongodb/mongodb.conf end script script sleepWhileDaemonIsUp() { while pidof $1 > /dev/null; do sleep 1 done } sleepWhileDaemonIsUp /usr/bin/mongod end script post-stop script if [ pidof /usr/bin/mongod ]; then kill `pidof /usr/bin/mongod` fi end script
# Ubuntu upstart configuration for sharding router file calqued on /etc/init/mongodb.conf description "Keeps sharding router (mongos) running between boots" limit nofile 20000 20000 kill timeout 300 # wait 300s between SIGTERM and SIGKILL. pre-start script exec start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --chuid mongodb --exec /usr/bin/mongos -- --config /data/mongodb/mongodb.conf end script script sleepWhileDaemonIsUp() { while pidof $1 > /dev/null; do sleep 1 done } sleepWhileDaemonIsUp /usr/bin/mongos end script post-stop script if [ pidof /usr/bin/mongos ]; then kill `pidof /usr/bin/mongos` fi end script
port=<%= @port %> replSet=<%= @replSet %> dbpath=/data/mongodb logpath=/data/mongodb/mongodb.log fork=true logappend=true
port=<%= @port %> configsvr=true fork=true dbpath=/data/mongodb logpath=/data/mongodb/mongodb.log logappend=true
port=<%= @port %> fork=true configdb=<%= @configsvr_list %> logpath=/data/mongodb/mongodb.log logappend=true
port = node[ :port ] # e.g.: "replicaset-1" bagname = "id:" + node[ :rollup ] bag = search( :rollups, bagname ).first replSet_name = bag[ :name ] cookbook_file "/etc/init/mongodb.conf" do source "mongodb-upstart.conf" owner "root" group "root" mode 00644 # -rw-r--r-- end service "mongodb" do supports :start => true, :stop => true, :restart => true, :status => true action :nothing end template "/data/mongodb/mongodb.conf" do source "replica.conf.erb" owner "mongodb" group "mongodb" mode 00644 # -rw-r--r-- variables( { :port => port, :replSet => replSet_name } ) notifies :restart, resources( :service => "mongodb" ), :immediately end service "mongodb" do provider Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart action [ :enable, :start ] end
bagname = "id:" + node[ :rollup ] # e.g.: "replicaset-1" bag = search( :rollups, bagname ).first id = 0 found = false primary_port = nil replica_id = '_id : "%s"' % bag[ :name ] replica_1 = bag[ :replica_1 ] replica_2 = bag[ :replica_2 ] replica_3 = bag[ :replica_3 ] replica_4 = bag[ :replica_4 ] replica_members = "" if !replica_1.nil? found = true hostname = replica_1[ :hostname ] port = replica_1[ :port ] replica_members += '{ _id : %d, host : "%s:%s" }' % [ id, hostname, port ] id += 1 if primary_port.nil? and replica_1[ :primary ] == true primary_port = port end end if !replica_2.nil? if found replica_members += ", " end found = true hostname = replica_2[ :hostname ] port = replica_2[ :port ] replica_members += '{ _id : %d, host : "%s:%s" }' % [ id, hostname, port ] id += 1 if primary_port.nil? and replica_2[ :primary ] == true primary_port = port end end if !replica_3.nil? if found replica_members += ", " end found = true hostname = replica_3[ :hostname ] port = replica_3[ :port ] replica_members += '{ _id : %d, host : "%s:%s" }' % [ id, hostname, port ] id += 1 if primary_port.nil? and replica_3[ :primary ] == true primary_port = port end end if !replica_4.nil? if found replica_members += ", " end hostname = replica_4[ :hostname ] port = replica_4[ :port ] replica_members += '{ _id : %d, host : "%s:%s" }' % [ id, hostname, port ] id += 1 if primary_port.nil? and replica_4[ :primary ] == true primary_port = port end end configuration = "config = { " + replica_id + ", members: [" + replica_members + "] }" mongo_command = "mongo --port #{primary_port} --eval '#{configuration} ; rs.initiate( config )'" execute "compose-replicaset-configuration" do command "#{mongo_command}" retries 6 retry_delay 10 end
bagname = "id:" + node[ :rollup ] # e.g.: "configsvr" bag = search( :rollups, bagname ).first which_server = node[ :which ] configsvr = bag[ which_server.to_sym ] hostname = configsvr[ :hostname ] port = configsvr[ :port ] cookbook_file "/etc/init/mongodb.conf" do source "mongodb-upstart.conf" owner "root" group "root" mode 00644 # -rw-r--r-- end template "/data/mongodb/mongodb.conf" do source "configsvr.conf.erb" owner "mongodb" group "mongodb" mode 00644 # -rw-r--r-- variables( { :port => port, } ) end service "mongodb" do provider Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart action [ :enable, :start ] end
bagname = "id:" + node[ :rollup ] # e.g.: "shard-1" shardbag = search( :rollups, bagname ).first listening_port = shardbag[ :port ] print "port=" pp listening_port bagname = "id:" + shardbag[ :configsvr_bag ] bag = search( :rollups, bagname ).first configsvr_list = nil count = 0 configsvr_1 = bag[ :configsvr_1 ] configsvr_2 = bag[ :configsvr_2 ] configsvr_3 = bag[ :configsvr_3 ] if !configsvr_1.nil? count += 1; hostname = configsvr_1[ :hostname ] port = configsvr_1[ :port ] if !hostname.empty? and !port.nil? configsvr_list = hostname + ":" + port.to_s end end if !configsvr_2.nil? count += 1; configsvr_2_hostname = configsvr_2[ :hostname ] configsvr_2_port = configsvr_2[ :port ] if !hostname.empty? and !port.nil? if !configsvr_list.empty? configsvr_list += ", " end configsvr_list = hostname + ":" + port.to_s end end if !configsvr_3.nil? count += 1; configsvr_3_hostname = configsvr_3[ :hostname ] configsvr_3_port = configsvr_3[ :port ] if !hostname.empty? and !port.nil? if !configsvr_list.empty? configsvr_list += ", " end configsvr_list = hostname + ":" + port.to_s end end if count != 1 or count != 3 puts "Configuration server count is %d; we need 1 or 3" % count end service "mongodb" do supports :start => true, :stop => true, :restart => true, :status => true action :nothing end cookbook_file "/etc/init/mongodb.conf" do source "sharding-upstart.conf" owner "root" group "root" mode 00644 # -rw-r--r-- end template "/data/mongodb/mongodb.conf" do source "sharding.conf.erb" owner "mongodb" group "mongodb" mode 00644 # -rw-r--r-- variables( { :port => listening_port, :configsvr_list => configsvr_list } ) notifies :restart, resources( :service => "mongodb" ), :immediately end service "mongodb" do provider Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart action [ :enable, :start ] end
bagname = "id:" + node[ :rollup ] # e.g.: "shard-1" shardbag = search( :rollups, bagname ).first bagname = "id:" + shardbag[ :replicaset_bag ] bag = search( :rollups, bagname ).first replSet_name = bag[ :name ] replica_1 = bag[ :replica_1 ] replica_2 = bag[ :replica_2 ] replica_3 = bag[ :replica_3 ] replica_4 = bag[ :replica_4 ] if !replica_1.nil? and replica_1[ :primary ] == true hostname = replica_1[ :hostname ] port = replica_1[ :port ] puts "replica_1 is primary" elsif !replica_2.nil? and replica_2[ :primary ] == true hostname = replica_2[ :hostname ] port = replica_2[ :port ] puts "replica_2 is primary" elsif !replica_3.nil? and replica_3[ :primary ] == true hostname = replica_3[ :hostname ] port = replica_3[ :port ] puts "replica_3 is primary" elsif !replica_4.nil? and replica_4[ :primary ] == true hostname = replica_4[ :hostname ] port = replica_4[ :port ] puts "replica_4 is primary" end if hostname.nil? or hostname.empty? or port.nil? puts "Need hostname:port of one of the replica nodes to complete set-up" end mongo_command = "mongo --eval 'rs.addShard( \"#{replSet_name}/#{hostname}:#{port}\" )'" execute "add-shard" do command "#{mongo_command}" retries 6 retry_delay 10 end # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: Unless there's only one shard, we need to enable sharding and # set up the shard key(s) using the MongoDB shell. These commands are: # $ mongo --port <number> (port number out of shard bag) # # sh.enableSharding( "database-name" ) # sh.shardOn( "database-name.collection", { "field-name" : 1, "_id" : 1 } ) # # The particulars should be governed by tuples in the node definition. # "normal" : # { # "sharding" : # { # { "database" : <database-name> }, # { "collection" : <collection-name> }, # { "field1" : <field-name> }, # { "field2" : <field-name> }, # { "fieldn" : <field-name> ) # } # } # # --or something like this. The following code is untested: # -------------------------------------------------------------------- if !shardbag[ :sharding ].nil? database_name = shardbag[ :sharding ][ :database ] collection_name = shardbag[ :sharding ][ :collection ] enable_command = 'sh.enableSharding( "#{database_name}" )' mongo_command = "#{launch_shell} '#{enable_command}'" execute "enable-shard" do command "#{mongo_command}" retries 6 retry_delay 10 end # Now compose the shardOn() command. We'll consider up to 4 fields. shardon_command = 'sh.shardOn( "#{database_name}.#{collection_name}", {' field1 = shardbag[ :sharding ][ :field1 ] field2 = shardbag[ :sharding ][ :field2 ] field3 = shardbag[ :sharding ][ :field3 ] field4 = shardbag[ :sharding ][ :field4 ] if !field1.nil? shardon_command += ' "#{field1}" : 1' end if !field2.nil? shardon_command += ' "#{field2}" : 1' end if !field3.nil? shardon_command += ' "#{field3}" : 1' end if !field4.nil? shardon_command += ' "#{field4}" : 1' end shardon_command += ' "_id" : 1 }' mongo_command = "#{launch_shell} '#{shardon_command}'" execute "shardon" do command "#{mongo_command}" retries 6 retry_delay 10 end end
bagname = "id:" + node[ :rollup ] # e.g.: "replicaset-1" bag = search( :rollups, bagname ).first hostname = bag[ :hostname ] port = bag[ :port ] execute "add-arbiter" do command "mongo --eval 'rs.addArb( "#{hostname}":#{port}" )'" retries 6 retry_delay 10 end
node.default[:mongodb][:package] = "mongodb-10gen" # this says we install 10-gen's package # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # We'll be using the host IP address to make node names for MongoDB # replica set specification. # ----------------------------------------------------------------- require 'socket' iphash = Socket.ip_address_list.find {|a| a.ipv4? ? !(a.ipv4_private? || a.ipv4_loopback?) : !(a.ipv6_sitelocal? || a.ipv6_linklocal? || a.ipv6_loopback?) } $ip_address = iphash.ip_address node.default[:nodeaddress] = $ip_address puts $ip_address node.default[:mongodb][:package] = "mongodb-10gen" # this says we install 10-gen's package # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # We'll be using the host IP address to make node names for MongoDB # replica set specification. # ----------------------------------------------------------------- require 'socket' iphash = Socket.ip_address_list.find {|a| a.ipv4? ? !(a.ipv4_private? || a.ipv4_loopback?) : !(a.ipv6_sitelocal? || a.ipv6_linklocal? || a.ipv6_loopback?) } $ip_address = iphash.ip_address node.default[:nodeaddress] = $ip_address puts $ip_address
source :rubygems gem 'test-kitchen'
{ "name": "mongodb", "description": "Installs/Configures mongodb-10gen my style", "long_description": "", "maintainer": "", "maintainer_email": "", "license": "To kill", "platforms": { "ubuntu": ">= 12.04" }, "dependencies": { "apt": ">= 0.0.0", "mongodb-10gen": ">= 2.4.5" }, "recommendations": { }, "suggestions": { }, "conflicting": { }, "providing": { }, "replacing": { }, "attributes": { }, "groupings": { }, "recipes": { }, "version": "1.0.3" }
name "mongodb" maintainer "" maintainer_email "" license "To kill" description "Installs/Configures mongodb-10gen" long_description File.join( File.dirname( __FILE__ ), '' ) ) version "1.0.3" depends "apt" depends "mongodb-10gen" supports "ubuntu"
Description =========== Add apt repository and install mongodb-10gen. ## Platform * ubuntu ### Tested on * ubuntu 12.04(precise) Requirements ============ - OpscodeCookbook[apt] Attributes ========== ### group ['mongodb'] update your mongodb.conf values ### group ['mongodb']['config'] update your mongodb_config.conf values ### group ['mongodb']['router'] update your mongos.conf values Usage ===== ### Available recipes #### default - Add 10gen official repository and install newer stable mongodb. - **disable** autostart when install or serverboot. #### replica - set up /data/mongodb/mongodb.conf for any replica node #### arbiter - set up mongodb as arbiter for replica set. #### configsvr - set up mongodb configuration server. #### sharding - set up sharding router(mongos) node. Additions ========= Author ====== Author:: Russell Bateman (<[email protected]>)
. +-- attributes | `-- default.rb +-- files | `-- default | +-- mongodb | | +-- arbiter | | | `-- log | | +-- bin | | +-- configsvr | | | `-- log | | `-- sharding | | `-- log | +-- mongodb-upstart.conf | +-- multi-arbiter-upstart.conf | +-- multi-configsvr-upstart.conf | +-- multi-sharding-upstart.conf | +-- README.txt | `-- sharding-upstart.conf +-- Gemfile +-- metadata.json +-- metadata.rb +-- +-- recipes | +-- add-arbiter.rb | +-- add-shard.rb | +-- arbiter.rb | +-- configsvr.rb | +-- default.rb | +-- README.txt | +-- replica.rb | +-- replicaset.rb | +-- sharding.rb | +-- test-add-shard.rb | +-- test-configsvr.rb | +-- test-replicaset.rb | +-- test-run.rb | `-- test-sharding.rb `-- templates `-- default +-- arbiter.conf.erb +-- configsvr.conf.erb +-- multi-arbiter.conf.erb +-- multi-configsvr.conf.erb +-- multi-sharding.conf.erb +-- replica.conf.erb `-- sharding.conf.erb 14 directories, 32 files