PostgreSQL on Windows 7

Russell Bateman
last update: 12 January 2010

Note: PostgreSQL does not support Windows 7 and usually fails to install there. When this is the case, there seems to be no way to work around it:

You will want to uninstall PostgreSQL:

  1. Click OK and PostgreSQL will create an uninstaller on the path C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.4\uninstall-postgresql.exe.
  2. Be sure to unclick Launch Stack Builder at exit? before you click Finish.
  3. To uninstall and clean up the PostgreSQL mess:
    1. Allow the PostgreSQL installer to create the uninstaller.
    2. Run the uninstaller.
    3. Remove the directory paths the uninstaller says it didn't delete.

    4. Remove user postgres. The uninstaller will not do this. Moreover, you will not find it among those Windows control panel can administrate. You will need to use this command:
      	C:\> net user postgres /delete