Python Notes

Russell Bateman
December 2014
last update:

What's wrong with Python?

Nothing's wrong with Python. It's the best and most amazing scripting language.

However, as an application programming language, it simply isn't.

Python is able to maintain multiple threads...


import thread
 What's wrong with Python? 
import time

# define a function for the thread
def print_time( threadName, delay):
   count = 0
   while count < 5:
      count += 1
      print "%s: %s" % ( threadName, time.ctime(time.time()) )

# create two threads as follows
   thread.start_new_thread( print_time, ("Thread-1", 2, ) )
   thread.start_new_thread( print_time, ("Thread-2", 4, ) )
   print "Error: unable to start thread"

while 1:

Python is not multiprocess-capable

However, threads cannot execute simultaneously, Python's interpreter cannot execute threads simultaneously. It possesses a global interpreter lock (GIL) that interprets compiled code only when held.

Additionally, the Python interpreter performs garbage collection.

GUnicorn (or "green unicorn") is a Python web server gateway interface HTTP server, ported from Ruby's Unicorn project, that can be used to implement HTTP services in Python. However, it doesn't multiprocess. GUnicorn is based on a prefork worker model in which there is a central master process that manages a set of worker processes. Only one executes at a time.

Crib sheet

I want to make a crib sheet (better than I once did for Ruby back in the day)

Functions and classes

def function( [ arguments ] ):
class Class( [ heir-to ] ):

Console I/O

from_keyboard = raw_input( [ prompt ] )

string = "Legion"
print "My name is %s", string
print( "My name is %s." ) % string

File I/O

file = open( filename [, mode ] )
print( )
file.write( data )
exists( filename )

Exception handling

except value-error , value : statement
finally :

Miscellaneous keywords

with ... as :


global variable

from package import symbol [ as alias ]
import package


List access

list = [ first-value , second-value , third-value , ... ]
one = variable[ which ]


if condition :

if condition :

if condition :
elif condition :

statement-if-true if( condition ) else statment-if-false



for variable in collection :
while condition :

Python glossary

array list
map dictionary (dict)
method function

Python version history

Despite what you see below, the Python community is very reluctant to adopt Python 3. It's because there are vwry sore incompatibilities.

Python 0.9 - February 1991
Python 1.0 - January 1994
Python 1.5 - December 31, 1997
Python 1.6 - September 5, 2000
Python 2.0 - October 16, 2000
Python 2.1 - April 17, 2001
Python 2.2 - December 21, 2001
Python 2.3 - July 29, 2003
Python 2.4 - November 30, 2004
Python 2.5 - September 19, 2006
Python 2.6 - October 1, 2008
      Python 3.0 - December 3, 2008
      Python 3.1 - June 27, 2009
Python 2.7 - July 3, 2010 --------------------- last release of Python 2
      Python 3.2 - February 20, 2011
      Python 3.3 - September 29, 2012
      Python 3.4 - March 16, 2014

Commonly claimed disadvantages of Python

Commonly claimed advantages of Python

String operations

I keep this as a Tomboy note on my Linux desktop.

# String is empty or not
if string:
  print 'String not empty'
elif not string:
  print 'String is empty'

# Trim white space from beginning or ending of string

# Truncate string
string     = 'cats and dogs'
firstHalf  = string[ :4 ]                        # after column 4 ('cats')
secondHalf = string[ 4: ]                        # up to column 4 (' and dogs')

pos = string.find( 'x' )
string[ 0:pos+1 ]                                # after first 'x'

# Snip string
string[ 5: ]                                     # lose up to column 5
string[  :-2 ]                                   # lose last two characters

# Prepend string to beginning
result = prefix +  string

# Split string on character(s)
string = 'This=is=a=test'
stringList = string.split( '=' )
stringList = [ 'This', 'is', 'a', 'test' ]

# Strip file extension
import os.path
name, extension = os.path.splitext( filename )
ext = os.path.splitext( filename )[ 0 ]          # get extension

# Match beginning or end of string
string.startswith( 'match' )
string.endswith( 'match' )

# Find match in string
match in string:

# Find match from beginning or end of string
string.find( match )
string.rfind( match )

# Prepend string to beginning
result = prefix +  string

# Convert number to string
result = prefix +  string

# Ensure string is numeric

# Ensure string is numeric

# Make list from CSV string
string = 'a, b, c'
list = string.split( ',' )

# Make CSV string from list
list = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
stringList = ', '.join( list )

# Java StringBuilder-like assembly
from cStringIO import StringIO
buffer = StringIO()
print && buffer, 'This is %s string builder' % 'the best'
print && buffer, ' of all time!'
result = buffer.getvalue()

Load-module dynamically

I keep this as a Tomboy note on my Linux desktop.

# Python load module
def loadModule( path ):
  name, extension = os.path.splitext( os.path.split( path ) [ -1 ] )
  module = imp.load_source( name, path )
  return module

List operations

I keep this as a Tomboy note on my Linux desktop.

An array in Python is called a list, but that the identifier list is reserved.

array[ '1', '2', ... 'N' ]

# definition/initialization
array = []

# ontology
element in array

# assignment
array[ element ] = newelement

# adding
array.append( element )

# deleting
del array[ element ]

# traversal, [...] denoting optional functionality below
for element in array:
  print element
for index[, element] in range( len( array ) ):
  print index[, element]

Dictionary operations

I keep this as a Tomboy note on my Linux desktop.

A hashmap is called a dictionary. dict is a reserved keyword.

dictionary[ 'key1' : 'value', 'key2' : 'value', ... 'keyN' : 'value' ]

# definition/initialization
dictionary = {}

# ontology
key in dictionary

# assignment
dictionary[ key ] = newvalue

# adding/creating
dictionary[ newkey ] = value

# deleting
del dictionary[ key ]
dictionary.pop( key )

# traversal
for key in dictionary:
  print key, dictionary[ key ]

SQLAlchemy Tomboy notes
Python SQL with SQLAlchemy

DATABASE_PATH = 'mysql:///database.db'

# getting started...
Engine        = sqlalchemy.create_engine( DATABASE_PATH )
DBSession     = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker( bind=Engine )
Session       = DBSession()
Session.bind  = Engine

# insert object; ObjectClass has a table name...
object = ObjectClass( __init__() arguments )
  (and/or fill out object)
Session.add( object )                                   INSERT INTO tablename ( fields... )
Session.commit()                                            VALUES( values... );

# query one (first) object...
qo = Session.query( ObjectClass )                       SELECT * from tablename
qf = qo.filter( ObjectClass.field == fieldvalue )           WHERE field = fieldvalue;
return qf.first()

# query multiple (list of) objects...
qo = Session.query( ObjectClass )                       SELECT * from tablename
qf = qo.filter( ObjectClass.field == fieldvalue )           WHERE field = fieldvalue;
return qf

SAX parser Tomboy notes

I keep this as a Tomboy note on my Linux desktop.

import xml.sax

def getResult():
  result         = httpclient.get( uri )
  payload        =
  resultIdParser = CqPostResponsePayload()
    xml.sax.parseString( payload, resultIdParser )
  except Exception as e:
    print e.message
  return resultIdParser.getResultId()

class CqPostResponsePayload( xml.sax.ContentHandler ):
  Parse response payload, looks something like:
  def __init__( self ):
    self.result = StringIO()
    self.resultIdCharacters = ''
  def getResultId( self ):
    return self.result.getvalue().lstrip().rstrip()
  def startElement( self, tag, attributes=None ):
    if tag == 'result_id':
      self.resultIdCharacters = ''
  def endElement( self, tag ):
    if tag == 'result_id':
       # tie off the result_id...
      print && self.result, self.resultIdCharacters
  def characters(self, content ):
    self.resultIdCharacters += content
def getValueOfTotalAttribute( line ):
    ''' Just the attributes. '''

    parser = HitsTagElementParser()
        xml.sax.parseString( line, parser )
    except Exception as e:
        print e.message
        return 0
    attributes = parser.getAttributes()
    return attributes

class HitsTagElementParser( xml.sax.ContentHandler ):
  def __init__( self ):
    self.attributes = {}
  def getAttributes( self ):
    return self.attributes
  def startElement( self, tag, attributes=None ):
    if tag != 'our-tag':
    self.attributes = attributes
  def endElement( self, tag ):
    ''' We'll never hit this! '''
  def characters( self, content ):
    ''' We're uninterested in this. '''

Tuples Tomboy notes

I keep this as a Tomboy note on my Linux desktop.

Python tuples

t1      = ()
red     = ( 'red', )     # trick to get a single value
classes = ( 'physics', 'chemistry', 1997,  2000 )
mix     = red + classes
stuff   = [ 'this', 'that', 'and', 'the', 'other' ]
a       = ( 1, 2, 3 )
b       = a + ( 4, 5, 6 )
options = ()

cmp( t1, t2 )
len( t )
max( t )
min( t )
tuple( list )          # tuple from list
list( tuple )          # list from tuple

>>> classes[ 1 ]

>>> mix
('red', 'physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000)

>>> list( mix )
['red', 'physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000]

>>> tuple( stuff )
('this', 'that', 'and', 'the', 'other')

>>> b
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

>>> options += ( '--all', )
>>> options
>>> options += ( '--xpath', )
>>> options
('--all', '--xpath')

argparse Tomboy notes

I keep this as a Tomboy note on my Linux desktop.

Python argument parsing

Command line --zoo keeper --ticket cat dog mouse

Output (what will be in args)
Namespace( ticket=True, filenames=[ 'cat', 'dog', 'mouse' ], zoo='keeper' )

import argparse

  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Parse arguments' )
  parser.add_argument( 'filenames', nargs='*' )            # multiple arguments
  parser.add_argument( '--zoo' )                           # prompting ( +argument)
  parser.add_argument( '--ticket', action='store_true' )   # ontological
  args = parser.parse_args()
  print( args )
except Exception as e:
  print( 'Oops: %s' % str( e ) )

Handy function
def optionPresent( args, option ):
    return option in args and args[ option ]

Miscellaneous links

Import problems

I'm starting to develop a methodology for solving Python package problems:

  1. Check for misspellings.
  2. Check for hierarchical path accuracy including adequate hierarchy from PYTHONPATH or PATH:
    import os
    print os.environ[ "PATH" ]
    print os.environ[ "PYTHONPATH" ]
    print os.getcwd()
  3. Does the subdirectory of import (along the import path), have
  4. Does the consumed symbol figure in the import statement?
  5. Likely templates (and mistakes):
    • import module
    • from module import symbol, function, classname, etc.
    • import directory.module
    • import directory.symbol —no!
    • import directory.function —no!
    • import directory.classname —no!

Basic project structure

Here are some examples. Please note that the project directory and the Python code root (not named src) share the same name.

~/dev $ tree artman
+-- artman
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
|   +-- test
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   `--
|   `--

2 directories, 8 files

You could think of it this way:

~/dev $ tree artman
+-- artman_pkg
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
|   +-- test
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   `--
|   `--

2 directories, 8 files

Here's another example:

~/code/sandman $ tree
+-- docs
|   +--
|   +-- generated
|   +-- index.rst
|   +-- installation.rst
|   +-- modules.rst
|   +-- quickstart.rst
|   `-- sandman.rst
+-- requirements.txt
+-- sandman
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
|   `-- test
|       +--
|       `--

SAX XML parser

Note that, the way I'm using this, I don't need (or want) most of the lines in endElement() and characters(), but I left them there for illustration.

import xml.sax
from cStringIO import StringIO

  <session id="group_searchappliance_indexer@default" state="dormant" users="0" />
  <session id="group_searchappliance_system@default" state="dormant" users="0" />
  <session id="group_searchappliance_search@default" state="dormant" users="0" />
  <session id="group_searchappliance_support@default" state="dormant" users="0" />
  <session id="user_searchadmin@default" state="dormant" users="0">
    <sessionobj name="testSet" state="dormant" users="0" />
    <sessionobj name="__test1__" state="dormant" users="0" />
    <sessionobj name="testSet2" state="dormant" users="0" />
    <sessionobj name="__test1__" state="dormant" users="0" />
  <session id="searchadmin" state="dormant" users="0" />
  <session id="group_searchappliance_retriever@default" state="dormant" users="0" />
  <session id="group_searchappliance_status@default" state="dormant" users="0" />
  <session id="group_searchappliance_inboxes@default" state="dormant" users="0" />
  <session id="group_searchappliance_feeder@default" state="dormant" users="0" />
class SessionHandler( xml.sax.ContentHandler ):
  def __init__( self ):
    self.CurrentData = '' = ''
    self.state = ''
    self.users = ''
    self.result = StringIO()

  def getResult( self ):
    return self.result.getvalue()

  def addToResult( self, string ):
    print >> self.result, string

  def startElement( self, tag, attributes ):
    self.CurrentData = tag
    if tag == 'session':
      id = attributes[ 'id' ]
      state = attributes[ 'state' ]
      users = attributes[ 'users' ]
      self.addToResult( id + '( %s, %s )' % ( state, users ) )

  def endElement( self, tag ):
    if self.CurrentData == 'id':
      print 'id: ',
    elif self.CurrentData == 'state':
      print 'state: ', self.state
    elif self.CurrentData == 'users':
      print 'users: ', self.users
    self.CurrentData = ''

  def characters(self, content ):
    if self.CurrentData == 'id':
      print 'id: ',
    elif self.CurrentData == 'state':
      print 'state: ', self.state
    elif self.CurrentData == 'users':
      print 'users: ', self.users

if ( __name__ == "__main__" ):
  sh = SessionHandler()
  xml.sax.parseString( SESSION_LIST, sh )
  string = sh.getResult()
  print string


group_searchappliance_indexer@default( dormant, 0 )
group_searchappliance_system@default( dormant, 0 )
group_searchappliance_search@default( dormant, 0 )
group_searchappliance_support@default( dormant, 0 )
user_searchadmin@default( dormant, 0 )
searchadmin( dormant, 0 )
group_searchappliance_retriever@default( dormant, 0 )
group_searchappliance_status@default( dormant, 0 )
group_searchappliance_inboxes@default( dormant, 0 )
group_searchappliance_feeder@default( dormant, 0 )

Function arguments

The right, Pythonic way to call functions, especially ones with long argument lists or that are very remote to the code being written is to name the arguments, e.g.:

def query( output_set=None, session_id=None, x=9, etc. )

Called thus:

result = query( session_id=sessionid output_set=outputset, etc. )

and the arguments can be out of order, missing, etc.

Traceback or stackcrawl
  do something
  import traceback

Uninitialized and unused variables

Uninitialized complaint, so...

queryType = compound = simple = allow = query = fieldname = description = '' # (add to shut up complaint)

# This absolutely must succeed without error...
  queryType   = jsonDict[ QUERYTYPE_KEY ]

# ...but don't assert that all these exist because some will and others
# won't depending on whether we're parsing a system or UI JSON.
  compound    = jsonDict[ COMPOUNDQUERY_KEY ]
  simple      = jsonDict[ SIMPLEQUERY_KEY ]
  allow       = jsonDict[ ALLOWSETS_KEY ]
  query       = jsonDict[ QUERYSTRING_KEY ]
  fieldname   = jsonDict[ FIELDNAME_KEY ]
  description = jsonDict[ DESCRIPTION_KEY ]

return( queryType, compound, simple, allow, query, fieldname, description ) # (complaint was here)

Unused complaint, so...

  _, compound, simple, allowSystemSet, query, fieldname, description \
        = self.__parseJson( content.replace( '\r\n', '' ) )
  assert compound or simple     # useful assertions, but they also ensure no unused message(s)
  assert allowSystemSet
  assert query
  assert fieldname
  assert description
except ( KeyError, ValueError, AssertionError ) as error:
  response.status_int = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
  return "500 Internal server error; definition file had (an) error(s) ( %s )" % error.message

if compound:
  queryType = 'c'
elif simple:
  queryType = 'q'

content = self.__formatUsersJsonFromData( sessionid, definitionfilename, queryType,
                                           allowSystemSet, query, fieldname, description )

TypeError argument number problem

Whenever Python moans about the number of arguments, there's short list of observations to make:

  1. Did you leave any argument(s) off?
  2. Did you supply too many arguments?
  3. Did you demote the function's parent from class to merely the module without losing the self argument?

As an example of the last one, I keep seeing the (nigh nonsensical) assertion that the function takes at least 2 arguments, but I've supplied 6. Well, duh! So, it turns out that this function used to be in a class and I lost the class because I didn't need or want it, but I'd forgotten to remove the self argument.

Here's the error:

TypeError: query() takes at least 2 arguments (6 given)

Here's the function statement; it used to be a class "method":

def query( self, query_string, query_type=None, outputset=None, sessionid=None, host=None, port=None ):

And here's the call:

    return query( queryString, query_type=queryType, outputset=outputset, sessionid=sessionid, host=self._ss_host, port=self._ss_host )

Switch statement example
    def deriveLoggingLevel( self, level ):
        ''' Utility to derive logging level from a string. '''
        return                          # sort of a Python switch/case statement
        {                               # with even a fall-through...
            'ERROR' : logging.ERROR,
            'error' : logging.ERROR,
            'WARN'  : logging.WARN,
            'warn'  : logging.WARN,
            #'INFO' : logging.INFO,     # (handled by fall-though case)
            #'info' : logging.INFO,
            'DEBUG' : logging.DEBUG,
            'debug' : logging.DEBUG,
            'TRACE' : logging.DEBUG,    # (Python logging hasn't kept up)
            'trace' : logging.DEBUG     # (Python logging hasn't kept up)
        }.get( level, logging.INFO )

Dictionaries including sorting
import collections

d = { 'session9' : 0, 'session1' : 0 }
d[ 'session9' ] = '{ "blue" : "fun" }'
d[ 'session1' ] = '{ "red" : "boredom" }'
d[ 'session3' ] = '{ "purple" : "porpoises" }'

print d
d = collections.OrderedDict( sorted( d.items() ) )
print d

result = []
for i,j in d.iteritems():
    result.append( '\n  "%s" : %s\n' % ( i, j ) )

output = ', '.join( result )
print "{  %s}" % output.replace( '\n', '' )

Failure to instantiate

If class stuff doesn't seem to be remembered, i.e.: __init__()-established variables don't seem to keep the values you gave them, maybe it's because you misspelled the name of this function.

class Thing( object );

  def __init( self ):              <------ misspelled!
    self.thingy = SomeThingy()

Python variables especially from a Java point of view

The class variables are shared across all objects (or "instances") of the class. The instance variables are called "object varlables." When list1 is referenced:

c = Class()
print c.list1

Python looks for an object variable named list1 first, then goes for the class variable.

    class Class( object ):
        list1 = []              # class variables here—think Java static
        dict1 = {}
        name  = 'Tony'

        def __init__( self ):
            self.var1 = 9       # instance variables here—think Java instance...
            self.var2 = False

JSON encode/decode lifecycle...

Let's remember how we make a JSON dictionary in Python.

import json

# basic assembly...
jsonDict        = {}                       # the JSON object
key             = 'key'                    # pretend key
value           = 'value'                  # pretend value
jsonDict[ key ] = value                    # assemble tuple into object
jsonString      = json.dumps( jsonDict )   # export to JSON string

print jsonString                           # { "key" : "value" }

jsonDict2 = json.loads( jsonString )       # import object from string

# export JSON to a file...
json.dump( jsonDict2, open( path, 'w' ) )

# import JSON from a file...
jsonDict3 = json.load( open( path, 'r' ) )

Just for fun, observe this Python session to help understand things.

>>> import json
>>> s = '"testSet" : { "description" : "This is a description." }'
>>> print s
"testSet" : { "description" : "This is a description." }
>>> json.loads( s )
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/json/", line 338, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/json/", line 368, in decode
    raise ValueError(errmsg("Extra data", s, end, len(s)))
ValueError: Extra data: line 1 column 11 - line 1 column 57 (char 10 - 56)
>>> jsonDict = {}
>>> jsonDict[ 'description' ] = 'This is a description.'
>>> json.dumps( jsonDict )
'{"description": "This is a description."}'
>>> jsonDict2 = {}
>>> jsonDict2[ 'testSet' ] = jsonDict
>>> json.dumps( jsonDict2 )
'{"testSet": {"description": "This is a description."}}'
>>> s2 = json.dumps( jsonDict2 )
>>> json.loads( s2 )
{u'testSet': {u'description': u'This is a description.'}}
>>> jsonDict3 = json.loads( s2 )
>>> json.dumps( jsonDict3 )
'{"testSet": {"description": "This is a description."}}'

Classes, self and not classes...

Illustration of the difference between using class in Python and not using it:

class CState( object ):
  def __init__( self ):
    self.field = 'init'  # field is "instance variable" in Java

  def add( self, x ):
    self.field += x

  def mult( self, x ):
    self.field *= x

s = State()
s.add( 'added' )    # self is implicitly passed in
s.mult( 2 )         # ibid
print( s.field )
The demonstration:

~ $ python
Python 2.7.5 (default, Nov  3 2014, 14:26:24)
>>> from state import CState
>>> s = CState()
>>> print s

>>> s.add( 'added' )
>>> print s

>>> print s.field
>>> s.mult( 2 )
>>> print s.field

Without class and self:

def state_init( state ):
  state[ 'field' ] = 'init'

def state_add(state, x ):
  state[ 'field' ] += x

def state_mult(state, x ):
  state[ 'field' ] *= x

def state_getField( state ):
  return state[ 'field' ]

myself = {}
state_init( myself )
state_add( myself, 'added' )
state_mult( myself, 2 )

print( state_getField( myself ) )

And the demonstration:

~ $ python
Python 2.7.5 (default, Nov  3 2014, 14:26:24)
>>> from state import state_init, state_add, state_mult, state_getField
>>> myself = {}
>>> state_init( myself )
>>> print myself
{'field': 'init'}
>>> state_add( myself, 'added' )
>>> print myself
{'field': 'initadded'}
>>> state_mult( myself, 2 )
>>> print myself
{'field': 'initaddedinitadded'}
>>> print( state_getField( myself ) )

Table comparing Python, Java, C/C++, underscore functions, etc.

Here's a good link on intrinsic functions whose names are bracketed with underscores: And, here's a bit more on the Python code map relating stuff to Java and/or C/C++.

Python construct like Java and/or C/C++ ? Python comments
C/C++ extern variable
module variable (global)
def someFunction():
  print "I'm someFunction()"
C/C++ function
class SomeClass( object ):
  variable_99 = 99
Java static variable
class attribute
(but value can be changed)
  def __init__( self ):
    self.variable_999 = 999
Java constructor
Java instance variable
instance variable
  def __del__( self ):
    ...code to clean up instance
C++ destructor
  def __hash__( self ):
    ...code to create unique integer
Java hashCode()
  def __eq__( self, other ):
Java equals( other )
  def __str__( self ):
    ...code to translate to string
Java toString()
  def __nonzero__( self ):
    ...code to implement judgement
returns True/False depending on instance
  def __dir__( self ):
    ...code to make dictionary
Java reflection
  def someMethod( self ):
    print "I'm someMethod()"
Java method
in C++: member function

Bad regex pattern

I was bitten by this regex problem once.

SESSIONID_PATTERN = '[A-Za-z0-9._-@]+' (old)
SESSIONID_PATTERN = '[A-Za-z0-9._-@]+' (new, wrong)
SESSIONID_PATTERN = '[A-Za-z0-9@._-]+' (right)

The expression is used to provide for acceptable characters in a session id (so, an e-mail address was not an acceptable session id). I needed an e-mail address to be valid and simply added the at-sign at the end which made regex think the hyphen was a range, which didn't work as a range and so the whole thing blew up. The hyphen has to be the last character, escaping the at-sign doesn't work either.

PYTHONPATH portability in PyDev

Sometimes, to simulate the environment of excerpted code, you need to monkey with the PYTHONPATH in order to avoid using different or augmented import statements from the original environment for the code.

For example, I had to do:

import systemsets.searchui.controllers.sessions
import systemsets.searchui.lib.do_query as do_query

instead of

import searchui.controllers.sessions
import searchui.lib.do_query as do_query

in this project:

master ~/dev/systemsets $ tree
+-- systemsets
|   +--
|   +--
|   +-- pylons
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   `--
|   +-- searchui
|   |   +-- controllers
|   |   |   +--
|   |   |   +--
|   |   |   `--
|   |   +--
|   |   `-- lib
|   |       +--
|   |       +--
|   |       `--
|   +--
|   `-- uibase
|       +--
|       `-- lib
|           +--
|           `--
`-- test

This was annoying as I didn't wish to maintain two versions of, one in the real environment and one for use in PyDev. (There were reasons I could not use PyDev directly inside the real code base.)

master ~/dev/systemsets $ cat .pydevproject
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?eclipse-pydev version="1.0"?><pydev_project>
<pydev_pathproperty name="org.python.pydev.PROJECT_SOURCE_PATH">
<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_VERSION">python 2.7</pydev_property>
<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_INTERPRETER">Default</pydev_property>

A hexdump program in Python

Sometimes you just gotta stop and sharpen up a saw against something annoying you. This could easily be transformed into a useful command-line script, but od -x already exists there so why? I happen to be using it from other Python code in debugging because I've got a mystifying representation problem that prevents me from understanding (it's the debugger's fault) when \n is a newline (control character) and when it's just a backslash followed by the letter n.

Given a string, produces a dump a la od -x:

	"This is a test
	of the Emergency Broadcast System.":

	00000  5468 6973 2069 7320 6120 7465 7374 0a6f   'This is a test.o'
	00001  6620 7468 6520 456d 6572 6765 6e63 7920   'f the Emergency '
	00002  4272 6f61 6463 6173 7420 5379 7374 656d   'Broadcast System'
	00003  2e                                        '.'

@author: Russell Bateman
@since: February 2015
import sys

LEFT_COLUMN_WIDTH   = '%05d'    # this value is simply and easily changed
PAD                 = '  '      # padding between the three major columns
CENTER_COLUMN_WIDTH = 32        # don't muck lightly with this value
RIGHT_COLUMN_WIDTH  = 16        # ibid--should be center / 2

def printIt( thing ):
  sys.stdout.write( thing )

def dotControlCharactersInCopy( string ):
  # if expect more control characters, fix those too
  return string.replace( '\n', '.' )

def prepareRow( hexString, width ):
  hexString = hexString[ :width ]
  row = []

  for _ in range( 0, width ):
    if len( hexString ) > 0:
      row.append( hexString[ :2 ] )
      hexString = hexString[ 2: ]
      return row
  return row

def chokeUp( string, width ):
  return string[ width: ]

def printHexDumpOfString( string ):
  hexString  = string.encode( "hex" )
  dottedCopy = dotControlCharactersInCopy( string )
  lineNumber = 0

  current = 0
  length  = len( hexString )
  while current < length:
    # print line number in left column...
    printIt( LEFT_COLUMN_WIDTH % lineNumber )
    printIt( PAD )

    # print row/list of elements by groups of two; there are
    # 2 digits per hex character, 4 per group...
    row          = prepareRow( hexString, CENTER_COLUMN_WIDTH )
    middleColumn = ''
    width = len( row )
    for element in range( 0, CENTER_COLUMN_WIDTH/2, 2 ):
      if element < width:
        middleColumn += row[ element ]
        middleColumn += '  '
      if element+1 < width:
        middleColumn += row[ element+1 ]
        middleColumn += '  '
      middleColumn += ' '

    printIt( middleColumn )
    printIt( PAD )

    # print right-column string copy...
    rightColumn = dottedCopy[ :RIGHT_COLUMN_WIDTH ]
    printIt( "'%s'" % rightColumn )

    # chock up on counters and strings...
    hexString   = chokeUp( hexString, CENTER_COLUMN_WIDTH )
    dottedCopy  = dottedCopy[ RIGHT_COLUMN_WIDTH: ]
    lineNumber += 1
    current    += CENTER_COLUMN_WIDTH
    printIt( '\n' )

def test():
  string = 'This is a test\nof the Emergency Broadcast System.'
  print '"%s":' % string
  printHexDumpOfString( string )

if __name__ == "__main__":

# vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab:

Python global vs. local variables

Below, x is noted as "unresolved" by the compiler (an error) at line 4.

x = None

def func():
  if not x:
    x = 9
~ $ python
Python 2.7.5 (default, Nov  3 2014, 14:26:24)
>>> x = None
>>> def func():
...   if not x:
...     x = 9
>>> func()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in func
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

This is solved thus:

x = None

def func():
  global x
  if not x:
    x = 9
~ $ python
Python 2.7.5 (default, Nov  3 2014, 14:26:24)
>>> x = None
>>> def func():
...   global x
...   if not x:
...     x = 9
>>> func()

Using datetime in a log with microseconds
def traceLog( message ):
    now = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f' )
    sys.stdout.write( 'TRACE: ' + now + ': ' + message + '\n' )
TRACE: 2015-03-09 14:07:04.462686: <message>

Keyword parameters to a function...

If you see this error (in PyCharm at least), it means that you've tried to begin to use keyword parameters before non-named ones. Also, it's very Pythonic to apply names to each and every argument.

class BatchRunnerException( Exception ):
    def __init__( self, message='', argumentName=None, errnoValue=0 ):
        self.message = message
        self.argumentName = argumentName
        self.errnoValue = errnoValue
    def getMessage( self ):
        return self.message
    def getErrnoValue( self ):
        return self.errnoValue
    def getArgumentName( self ):
        return self.argumentName

# vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab:

On *args, **kwargs, etc.
if action != ACTION_RUN and action != ACTION_PUBLISH:
  raise BatchRunnerException( 'Illegal argument exception (--action)', errnoValue=errno.EINVAL, argumentName='action' )

  validateDate( startDate )
except Exception as error:
  raise BatchRunnerException( 'Illegal argument exception (%s)' % error, errnoValue=errno.EINVAL, argumentName='start' )

Consuming this code...

import sys

class BatchRunnerException( Exception ):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):    # order is message (*args--unnamed), argumentName (**kwargs), errnoValue (**kwargs)
        self.message = args[ 0 ]
        if 'argumentName' in kwargs:
            self.argumentName = kwargs[ 'argumentName' ]
            self.argumentName = None
        if 'errnoValue' in kwargs:
            self.errnoValue = kwargs[ 'errnoValue' ]
            self.errnoValue = None
    def getMessage( self ):
        return self.message
    def getErrnoValue( self ):
        return self.errnoValue
    def getArgumentName( self ):
        return self.argumentName
    def printOnStderr( self, label ):
        if label:
            sys.stderr.write( label )
        if not self.errnoValue or self.errnoValue == 0:
            sys.stderr.write( '  %d\n' % self.message )
            sys.stderr.write( '  %s (%d)\n' % ( self.message, self.errnoValue ) )

# vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab:

Dynamic or difficult importing

Here's how to import a "complex" module from elsewhere...

So, simple dynamic importing for some module isn't working. Why? Because while is found, what it imports isn't findable because not in PYTHONPATH. One solution proposed, that works under some circumstances, is static importing. Let's walk that path:

Do it "statically" after adding useful paths to PYTHONPATH:

import os
import sys
# to get:
# etc. as needed. Then! Do this:

import complex_module
# which should work...

Note that sys.path is PYTHONPATH

This should work because the os and, especially, sys.path.append() functions were used to add the necessary path or paths as required to a) reach the complex module and b) reach what the complex module needs. (This may even be just one root-ish path and the deeper paths to reach the module should do the trick.)

An example. Here's the top of a complex module we're importing. The module itself is at sandboxes/webapp/extensions/scorecard/model. Let's call it

import json
import ordereddict

import datetime
import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy.orm

from sqlalchemy.sql import func

from uibase.model.meta import Base
from uibase.lib.db_base import BaseEntry, randString

We ourselves are running relative to webapp, sandboxes/webapp/extensions/scorecard/support/scorecard-runner and that needs to be factored in as the starting point.

Modules and are found at sandboxes/repo/run/webapp/uibase/lib. The intersection is, of course, webapp (which is actually the application root when this is all installed in /opt.

So, what we want to do is determine the least common denominating path a) to and b) the other two:


Then, we create the import statements:

import extensions.scorecard.model.runner_obj
import uibase.model.meta
import uibase.lib.db_base

We don't need to express the second two since is doing that already, we just need the least common denominator in PYTHONPATH. First, we need a manifest constant here to represent where webapp is in relation to us:

import os
import sys

WEBAPP_PATH = '../../../'

# the path we'll add to represent webapp must be absolute
webapp_abs = os.path.abspath( WEBAPP_PATH )

  sys.path.append( webapp_abs )

Now we're ready to import our module and its dependents should follow:

import os
import sys

WEBAPP_PATH = '../../../'

webapp_abs = os.path.abspath( WEBAPP_PATH )

  sys.path.append( webapp_abs )

import extensions.scorecard.model.runner_obj

RunnerObject = runner_obj.RunnerObject()

Nope! This doesn't work, at very least because of the dots. Python says extensions, scorecard and model are not defined (see highlighted line). It won't even compile. Dynamic importing works now, however:

import os
import imp
import sys

WEBAPP_PATH = '../../../'
RUNNER_OBJ_PATH = 'extensions/scorecard/model'

webapp_abs = os.path.abspath( WEBAPP_PATH )

  sys.path.append( webapp_abs )

absPath = os.path.join( webapp_abs, RUNNER_OBJ_PATH )

  runner_obj = imp.load_source( 'runner_obj', absPath )
except IOError as error:
  # means couldn't find the module from the path—fix RUNNER_OBJ_PATH
except ImportError as error:
  # means something like there's a dependency not resolvable using PYTHONPATH—fix sys.path.append()

RunnerObject = runner_obj.RunnerObject()

In summary...

The trick that works is to set up PYTHONPATH to support the module to be imported, but still use imp.load_source() to do the import dynamically.

Random string id
import random, string

def getRandomId():
  set = string.lowercase + string.digits
  return ''.join( random.sample( set, 6 ) )

Python exception handling

I began looking more seriously into best practice for exception-handling in Python. Here is the best of what I read. I resume some of what I've learned here:


Look before you leap (LBYL) is the wrong-headed impulse I am guilty of which is explained by more than 2 decades of C and other procedural programming languages in which there's little chance of recovering after even simple faults.

  1. Such checks (LBYL) diminish readability and clarity of the mainstream purpose of the code.
  2. Such checks may simply duplicate work done already down inside library functionality anyway.
  3. Needed checks may be omitted by mistake.
  4. The checks tend to be brittle because of changing contracts and other conditions below.

In short, LBYL is just damned wrong! This isn't specifically a lesson from Python exceptions, but holds also for real programming languages like Java and C#.

Don't use exceptions for flow-control

If you call str.find( string ), you don't expect an exception for the string not being found. Instead, you'd expect an error code or appropriate value coming back to indicate that (None or -1). However, if you pass a defective string or create a case where a language anomaly like str[ i ] constitutes an invalid index, etc., an exception is appropriate.

Handle exceptions in lowest code that knows how

This is a little more esoteric, but make partly sense. Don't throw stuff up the call hierarchy to levels at which it isn't relevant.

Don't expose implementation details as occasioned by the exception

The example given is managing an internal cache using a file. Later, perhaps the implementation might no longer resort to using file.

Perhaps the implementation cannot open the cache file, the underlying open() failing. Don't leak this failure out through the interface because it's not relevant, it breaks encapsulation since the consumer doesn't (shouldn't) care that it's a file cache. Instead, wrap in custom exception, e.g.: CacheFailedException preserving the information wrapped inside:

class CacheFailedException( Exception ):

def doCachingStuff():
    cache = open( path )
  except IOError as e:
    raise CacheFailedException( 'Caching error: %s' % e )


More extensively, if you need to preserve the original traceback (unusual):

class CacheFailedException( Exception ):

def doCachingStuff():
    cache = open( path )
  except IOError:
    excClass, exc, traceback = sys.exc_info()
    x = CacheFailedException( 'Caching error: %s' % exc )
    raise x.__class__, x, traceback

...each function in terms of its contract:

  1. what it expects from arguments and state when called,
  2. return value(s),
  3. side effects and
  4. exceptions thrown.

Exception handling, part II: in an application setting

Don't make up named exceptions for stuff that's common KeyError, ValueError, TypeError, etc. Implement such functionality and error handling in imitation of how it's already done in Python so that consumers won't be surprised.

Be careful not to use exception handling for flow control, but do create named exceptions for special purposes. What happens?

In the following representation, an application that calls a function A that calls a function B that calls a function C which detects an error and raises it as NamedException, functions B, then A, then the application can trap that exception and do something else with it. If no code catches it, it will make it all the way back to Python which will print something that includes NamedException and usually the message it included.

Python Python Python Python Python Python Python Python Python Python Python
  |                         ^ (Python will print stack trace at the bottom of which
  |                         |   will be printed "NamedException" and the message field.)
  v                         |
  Application main()        |
   |                        | (if Application main() doesn't catch the exception...)
   |                        |
   |                        |
   v                        |
   Function A()             |
      |                     | (if Function A() doesn't catch the exception...)
      |                     |
      |                     |
      v                     |
      Function B()          |
         |                  | (if Function B() doesn't catch the exception...)
         |                  |
         |                  |
         v                  |
         Function C()       |
             raise NamedException( "I'm a named exception; something bad happened." )

Here's the code:

class NamedException( Exception ):
  def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
    self.message = args[ 0 ]

  def getMessage( self ):
    return self.message

def main():

def functionA():

def functionB():

def functionC():
  raise NamedException( "I'm a named exception; something bad happened." )

if __name__ == "__main__":

...and here's the behavior:

~ $ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 21, in 
  File "", line 9, in main
  File "", line 12, in functionA
  File "", line 15, in functionB
  File "", line 18, in functionC
    raise NamedException( "I'm a named exception; something bad happened." )

Exception handling, part III: printing the exception as a string
  x = int( 'This is a test' )
except Exception as e:
  print( 'Handling error thus: print( str( e ) )' )
  print( str( e ) )
  print( 'That\'s all! *****************' )
$ python -i
Python 2.7.5 (default, Apr 10 2015, 08:09:05)
[GCC 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-7)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import poop
Handling error thus: print( str( e ) )
invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'This is a test'
That's all! *****************

Profiling example/template
import time
from functools import wraps


def profile(fn):
    def with_profiling(*args, **kwargs):
        start_time = time.time()

        ret = fn(*args, **kwargs)

        elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time

        if fn.__name__ not in PROF_DATA:
            PROF_DATA[fn.__name__] = [0, []]
        PROF_DATA[fn.__name__][0] += 1

        return ret

    return with_profiling

def print_prof_data():
    for fname, data in PROF_DATA.items():
        max_time = max(data[1])
        avg_time = sum(data[1]) / len(data[1])
        print "Function %s called %d times. " % (fname, data[0]),
        print 'Execution time max: %.3f, average: %.3f' % (max_time, avg_time)

def clear_prof_data():
    global PROF_DATA
    PROF_DATA = {}
def your_function(...):

"unindent does not match any outer indentation level"

This is almost always...

  1. bad indentation
  2. invisible mix of tabs and spaces

Exception raising and catching...

An example of creating a specialized or proprietary exception and raising it.

class StuffCachingError( Exception ): pass

def do_stuff():
    cache = open( filename )
    # do stuff with cache
  except IOError, e:
    raise StuffCachingError( 'Caching error: %s' % e )

It's not as explicit as in Java.
import foo

def main():
  except Exception as e:
    print e.message
import bar

def foo():    # don't have to say we might throw an exception here
def bar():
  raise Exception( 'Busted!' )
~ $ python
Python 2.7.5 (default, Nov  3 2014, 14:26:24)
[GCC 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-7)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import main
>>> main.main()

Python needle in a haystack and mmap() turns a file into a string efficiently!

Here's a pretty thing...a way to find the nth occurrence of a substring in a string. I first used it with another brilliant construct, that of using mmap() to turn a file into a virtual string (albeit actually a bytearray)

import os
import mmap

HIT_START_TAG = '<hit'

fp    = open( pathname )
file  = mmap.mmap( fp.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ )
first = findNth( file, HIT_START_TAG, 1 )

def findNth( haystack, needle, n=1 ):
  Find the nth occurrence of a substring in a string.
  :param haystack: the string.
  :param needle: the substring to search for.
  :param n: the nth magnitude.
  :return: offset in haystack of needle.
  width = len( needle )
  start = haystack.find( needle )
  while( start >= 0 and n > 1 ):
    start = haystack.find( needle, start+width )
    n -= 1
  return start

Hex dump in Python
Given a string, produces a dump à la od -x:

"This is a test
of the Emergency Broadcast System.":

00000  5468 6973 2069 7320 6120 7465 7374 0a6f   'This is a test.o'
00010  6620 7468 6520 456d 6572 6765 6e63 7920   'f the Emergency '
00020  4272 6f61 6463 6173 7420 5379 7374 656d   'Broadcast System'
00030  2e                                        '.'

@author: Russell Bateman
@since: February 2015
import sys

LEFT_COLUMN_WIDTH   = '%05X'    # this value is simply and easily changed
PAD                 = '  '      # padding between the three major columns
CENTER_COLUMN_WIDTH = 32        # don't muck lightly with this value
RIGHT_COLUMN_WIDTH  = 16        # ibid--should be center / 2

def printIt( thing ):
  sys.stdout.write( thing )

def dotControlCharactersInCopy( string ):
  # if expect more control characters, fix those too
  return string.replace( '\n', '.' )

def prepareRow( hexString, width ):
  hexString = hexString[ :width ]
  row = []

  for _ in range( 0, width ):
    if len( hexString ) > 0:
      row.append( hexString[ :2 ] )
      hexString = hexString[ 2: ]
      return row
  return row

def chokeUp( string, width ):
  return string[ width: ]

def printHexDumpOfString( string ):
  hexString  = string.encode( "hex" )
  dottedCopy = dotControlCharactersInCopy( string )
  lineNumber = 0

  current = 0
  length  = len( hexString )
  while current < length:
    # print line number in left column...
    printIt( LEFT_COLUMN_WIDTH % lineNumber )
    printIt( PAD )

    # print row/list of elements by groups of two; there are
    # 2 digits per hex character, 4 per group...
    row          = prepareRow( hexString, CENTER_COLUMN_WIDTH )
    middleColumn = ''
    width = len( row )
    for element in range( 0, CENTER_COLUMN_WIDTH/2, 2 ):
      if element < width:
        middleColumn += row[ element ]
        middleColumn += '  '
      if element+1 < width:
        middleColumn += row[ element+1 ]
        middleColumn += '  '
      middleColumn += ' '

    printIt( middleColumn )
    printIt( PAD )

    # print right-column string copy...
    rightColumn = dottedCopy[ :RIGHT_COLUMN_WIDTH ]
    printIt( "'%s'" % rightColumn )

    # chock up on counters and strings...
    hexString   = chokeUp( hexString, CENTER_COLUMN_WIDTH )
    dottedCopy  = dottedCopy[ RIGHT_COLUMN_WIDTH: ]
    lineNumber += 1
    current    += CENTER_COLUMN_WIDTH
    printIt( '\n' )

def test():
  string = 'This is a test\nof the Emergency Broadcast System.'
  print '"%s":' % string
  printHexDumpOfString( string )

if __name__ == "__main__":
  args = sys.argv
  pathname = args[ 1 ]
  with open( pathname, 'r' ) as fp:
    string =
  printHexDumpOfString( string )

# vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab:

Configuration-file parsing...

Given the following configuration file...

hostname =
password = psadpsad
runner_set =
    "measures" :
      "queryid" : "Q4V6braw",
      "measureid_list" : [ "RAK", "ABA", "TMS", "IAK", "AAB", "EDK", "CDC", "TSC", "COL",
                                "CIS", "AST", "CBP", "HBP", "PEA", "AWC", "TCC", "ASM" ],
      "payer_types_list" : [ "Commercial" ]
    "initiatives" :
      "queryid" : "Q4V6braw",
      "measureid_list" : [ "RAK" ],
      "payer_types_list" : [ "Commercial", "Medicare" ]

The following reads it and initializes a number of variables for it.

import json
import ConfigParser

def getConfiguration( config, section, item ):
        return config.get( section, item )
    except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
    except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
        # item not found; no matter, return None
        return None
    except Exception:
        # other exception? unlikely, but just return None
        return None

# Here's the business...
config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() 'configuration.ini' )

hostname   = getConfiguration( config, 'scorecard_runner', 'hostname' )
password   = getConfiguration( config, 'scorecard_runner', 'password' )
jsonString = getConfiguration( config, 'scorecard_runner', 'runner_set' ).replace( '\n', ' ' )

runner_dict = json.loads( jsonString )

measures = runner_dict[ 'measures' ]
queryid  = measures[ 'queryid' ]

initiatives = runner_dict[ 'initiatives' ]
queryid     = initiatives[ 'queryid' ]

print '           hostname =', hostname
print '           password =', password
print '         jsonString =', jsonString
print '           measures =', measures
print '   measures.queryid =', queryid
print '        initiatives =', initiatives
print 'initiatives.queryid =', queryid

String or integer?

This is instructive.

~ $ python
>>> number = 1
>>> number
>>> string = '1'
>>> string
>>> z = int( number )
>>> z
>>> z = int( string )
>>> z


When tempted to use isinstance( object ) or type( object ) to determine what object is, just don't. For one thing, it's slow. For another, it's isn't Python. The right way to do it is just to use it as if it were what you want, an integer, a dictionary, etc., then use try ... except to recover. The interpreter is faster for it:

string = 1        # (integer not string!)
  string[ 0 ]
except TypeError:
  # Oops, I thought this was a string, but it's something else...

Sort a dictionary alphabetically

$ python
Python 2.7.5 (default, Apr 10 2015, 08:09:05)
>>> d = {'orange': 50, 'chartreuse': 89, 'red': 110, 'fushia': 18, 'green': 82, 'blue': 40}
>>> d
{'blue': 40, 'fushia': 18, 'chartreuse': 89, 'green': 82, 'orange': 50, 'red': 110}
>>> for key, value in sorted( d.items() ):
...     print( key, value )
('blue', 40)
('chartreuse', 89)
('fushia', 18)
('green', 82)
('orange', 50)
('red', 110)
>>> import collections
>>> sd = collections.OrderedDict( sorted( d.items() ) )
>>> sd
OrderedDict([('blue', 40), ('chartreuse', 89), ('fushia', 18), ('green', 82), ('orange', 50), ('red', 110)])

HTTP client
import base64
import urllib2
import globals

Client raises URLError or HTTPError. When posting JSON, use content type of
'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' else, use content type of 'application/xml; charset=htf-8'.
CONTENT_TYPE_FORM = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' # for POSTs of JSON payloads
CONTENT_TYPE_XML  = 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'    # for PUTs and POSTs of XML payloads

def postJson( uri, payload ):
    authHeader = prepareAuthHeader( CONTENT_TYPE_FORM )
    return urllib2.urlopen( urllib2.Request( uri, headers=authHeader ), payload )

def postXml( uri, payload ):
    authHeader = prepareAuthHeader( CONTENT_TYPE_XML )
    return urllib2.urlopen( urllib2.Request( uri, headers=authHeader ), payload )

def put( uri, payload ):
    authHeader = prepareAuthHeader( CONTENT_TYPE_XML )
    opener     = urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.HTTPHandler )
    request    = urllib2.Request( uri, data=payload, headers=authHeader )
    request.add_header( 'Content-Type', 'application/json' )
    request.get_method = lambda: 'PUT'
    return request )

def get( uri ):
    authHeader = prepareAuthHeader()
    request    = urllib2.Request( uri, headers=authHeader )
    answer     = urllib2.urlopen( request ).read()
    return answer

def delete( uri ):
    authHeader = prepareAuthHeader()
    if uri and authHeader:

def prepareAuthHeader( contentType=None ):
    AUTH_HEADER = {}
    if contentType:
        AUTH_HEADER[ 'Content-type' ] = contentType
    userAndPassword = globals.USERNAME + ':' + globals.PASSWORD
    base64Encoding  = base64.b64encode( userAndPassword )
    authorization   = 'Basic ' + base64Encoding
    AUTH_HEADER[ 'Authorization' ] = authorization
    return AUTH_HEADER

How to die in the debugger instead of the shell

Invoke Python thus:

$ python -i


To access values in tuple, use the square brackets for slicing along with the index or indices to obtain value available at that index. For example, ...

tup1 = ('physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000);
tup2 = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 );

print "tup1[ 0 ]: ", tup1[ 0 ]
print "tup2[ 1:5 ]: ", tup2[ 1:5 ]

When the above code is executed, it produces the following result...

tup1[ 0 ]:  physics
tup2[ 1:5 ]:  [2, 3, 4, 5]

Python version history

Recipe for getting a string JSON from database, adding to it and reincorporating it into the database. Let's say that the result we're adding to what's already there is of "type" QueryResult. This is pseudocode: I'm not fleshing out the SQLAlchemy and other database underpinnings.

import json
import sqlalchemy

oid = None      # OID for our object.

def persistResult( resultToAdd ):
  global oid
    object = getDatabaseObject( oid )             # get the existing list of results
    resultList = json.loads( object.result_list ) # make a Python list of them
    resultList.append( resultToAdd.toJson() )     # append the most recent result to add
    object.result_list = json.dumps( resultList ) # dump the Python/JSON list as a string
  except Exception:
    raise Exception( 'Unable to persist result (%s): %s' % ( resultToAdd.getResultId(), e.message ) )

class DatabaseObject( Base ):
  def __init__( self ):
    self.result_list = Column( String( 1024 ) )
    # etc.

def getDatabaseObject( oid ):
    qo = Session.query( DatabaseObject )
    qf = qo.filter( == oid )
    return qf.first()
  except Exception as e:
    raise Exception( 'Botched query operation (%s): %s' % ( oid, e.message ) )

class QueryResult( object ):
  def __init__( self, queryid=None, resultid=None ):
    self.resultid = resultid
    self.queryid  = queryid
    self.complete = False
    self.last     = now()
  def getQueryId( self ):
    return self.queryid
  def getResultId( self ):
    return self.resultid
  def sinceLastLook(self):
    return now() - self.last
  def isComplete( self ):
    return self.complete
  def markComplete( self ):
    self.complete = True
    self.last     = now()
  def toJson( self ):
    qrDict = {}
    qrDict[ 'resultid' ] = self.resultid
    qrDict[ 'queryid' ]  = self.queryid
    return qrDict

from time import time

def now():
  return time()   # seconds since the Epoch

# vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab:

Sample: ftvalidation, a file-type validator

I had need of a file-type validator for something I was doing. Thought I'd put it here.

Test first, code second...
import sys
import unittest
import ftvalidate
import testutilities

PRINT = True    # change to False when finished debugging...

GOOD_JSON = '{ "json" : "This is a JSON!" }'
BAD_JSON  = ' This isn\'t JSON! '
GOOD_XML  = ' This is XML! '
FHIR_XML  = ' This is FHIR XML! '
CDA_XML   = ' This is merely CDA XML! '
CCD_XML   = '''
    This is CDA XML!
BAD_XML   = '{ "xml" : "This isn\'t XML" }'
GOOD_PDF  = 'path/to/file.pdf'
# GOOD_PDF  = './GoodFile.pdf'        # gotta copy some PDF to this name in the local subdirectory
BAD_PDF   = 'This ain\'t no PDF file.'

class FileTypeValidateTest( unittest.TestCase ):
    """ Test """
    def setUpClass( cls ):
        testutilities.turnOnPrinting( PRINT )

    def setUp( self ):

    def tearDown( self ):

    def testGoodFileAsJson( self ):
        testutilities.printTestCaseName( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name )
        temp = testutilities.createTemporaryFile( '.json', GOOD_JSON )
        result = ftvalidate.validateFile( 'json', temp )
        testutilities.eraseTemporaryFile( temp )
        self.assertTrue( result )

    def testBadFileAsJson( self ):
        testutilities.printTestCaseName( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name )
        temp = testutilities.createTemporaryFile( '.json', BAD_JSON )
        result = ftvalidate.validateFile( 'json', temp )
        testutilities.eraseTemporaryFile( temp )
        self.assertFalse( result )

    def testGoodFileAsXml( self ):
        testutilities.printTestCaseName( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name )
        temp = testutilities.createTemporaryFile( '.xml', GOOD_XML )
        result = ftvalidate.validateFile( 'xml', temp )
        testutilities.eraseTemporaryFile( temp )
        self.assertTrue( result )

    def testBadFileAsXml( self ):
        testutilities.printTestCaseName( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name )
        temp = testutilities.createTemporaryFile( '.xml', BAD_XML )
        result = ftvalidate.validateFile( 'xml', temp )
        testutilities.eraseTemporaryFile( temp )
        self.assertFalse( result )

    @unittest.skip( "requires set-up by hand" )
    def testGoodFileAsPdf( self ):
        """ In order for this test to pass, you must supply the path
            to a valid PDF file in GOOD_PDF.
        testutilities.printTestCaseName( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name )
        result = ftvalidate.validateFile( 'pdf', GOOD_PDF )
        self.assertTrue( result )

    def testBadFileAsPdf( self ):
        testutilities.printTestCaseName( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name )
        temp = testutilities.createTemporaryFile( '.pdf', BAD_PDF )
        result = ftvalidate.validateFile( 'pdf', temp )
        testutilities.eraseTemporaryFile( temp )
        self.assertFalse( result )

    # XML special distinctions ----------------------------------------------------
    def testFoundFhir( self ):
        testutilities.printTestCaseName( sys._getframe( ).f_code.co_name )
        temp = testutilities.createTemporaryFile( '.xml', FHIR_XML )
        result = ftvalidate.validateFile( 'fhir', temp )
        testutilities.eraseTemporaryFile( temp )
        self.assertTrue( result )

    def testFoundCcd( self ):
        testutilities.printTestCaseName( sys._getframe( ).f_code.co_name )
        temp = testutilities.createTemporaryFile( '.xml', CCD_XML )
        result = ftvalidate.validateFile( 'ccd', temp )
        testutilities.eraseTemporaryFile( temp )
        self.assertTrue( result )

    def testFoundCda( self ):
        testutilities.printTestCaseName( sys._getframe( ).f_code.co_name )
        temp = testutilities.createTemporaryFile( '.xml', CDA_XML )
        result = ftvalidate.validateFile( 'cda', temp )
        testutilities.eraseTemporaryFile( temp )
        self.assertTrue( result )

    # String content tests --------------------------------------------------------
    def testGoodStringAsJson( self ):
        testutilities.printTestCaseName( sys._getframe( ).f_code.co_name )
        result = ftvalidate.validateString( 'json', GOOD_JSON )
        self.assertTrue( result )

    def testBadStringAsJson( self ):
        testutilities.printTestCaseName( sys._getframe( ).f_code.co_name )
        result = ftvalidate.validateString( 'json', BAD_JSON )
        self.assertFalse( result )

    def testGoodStringAsXml( self ):
        testutilities.printTestCaseName( sys._getframe( ).f_code.co_name )
        result = ftvalidate.validateString( 'xml', GOOD_XML )
        self.assertTrue( result )

    def testBadStringAsXml( self ):
        testutilities.printTestCaseName( sys._getframe( ).f_code.co_name )
        result = ftvalidate.validateString( 'xml', BAD_XML )
        self.assertFalse( result )

if __name__ == '__main__':
This is one of a greater collections of format validators that are callable to enforce or
inform as to whether a file or (sometimes) string is in correct JSON, XML, PDF, XML/CDA,

Entry into this is possible via main() for testing and incidental or command-line use, and
also an entry point callable as a web end-point.
:author Russell Bateman
:since July 2016
import os
import sys
import json
from copy import copy
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree

def main( argv ):
    argcount = len( argv )
    if '--help' or '-h' in argv:
        print( '%s <filetype> filepath' % argv[ 0 ] )
        return -1
    if argcount < 3:
        print( 'Not enough arguments' )
        return -1
    fileType = argv.pop( 1 )    # (remove and return file type)
    if argcount == 1 and os.path.exists( argv[ 1 ] ):
        return 0 if validateFile( fileType, argv[ 1 ] ) else -1
    return -1

TYPES        = { 'json' : 1, 'xml' : 2, 'pdf' : 3, 'cda' : 4, 'ccd' : 5, 'fhir' : 6,
           'JSON' : 1, 'XML' : 2, 'PDF' : 3, "CDA" : 4, "CCD" : 5, "FHIR" : 6 }
CORRECT_TYPE = { 0 : 'BAD', 1 : 'json', 2 : 'xml', 3 : 'pdf', 4 : 'cda', 5 : 'ccd', 6 : 'fhir' }
GOOD_RESULT  = 'application/%s'

def validateFile( fileType=None, filepath=None ):
    fileType = CORRECT_TYPE.get( TYPES.get( fileType, 0 ), 'BAD' )
    if fileType == 'BAD':
        return False
    elif fileType == 'json':
            with open( filepath, 'r' ) as f:
                json.load( f )
                return True
        except( IOError, ValueError ):
            return False
        mimeType = getLinuxFileMimeType( filepath )
        if "ERROR" in mimeType:     # (likely filepath is bad or no privileges)
            return False
        result = GOOD_RESULT % ( 'pdf' if fileType == 'pdf' else 'xml' )
        result = result in mimeType.strip()
        if not result:
            return False
        if not fileType in [ 'fhir', 'ccd', 'cda' ]:
            return True
        return validateObliqueXml( fileType, filepath )

def getLinuxFileMimeType( filepath ):
    """ Magic Linux command that says what it thinks this file is. """
    linuxFileCommand = '/usr/bin/file -b --mime %s' % filepath
    proc = Popen( linuxFileCommand, shell=True, stdout=PIPE )
    (mimeType, error) = proc.communicate( )
    return mimeType

XML_MARKERS  = { 'fhir' : 'xmlns=""',
           'cda' : 'xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3"', 'ccd' : 'xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3"' }
CCD_MARKERS  = [ '<typeId', 'extension="POCD_' ]

def validateObliqueXml( fileType, filepath ):
    """ This file is a candidate for being FHIR, CCD (CCDA) or CDA. """
    fp = open( filepath )
    f  = mmap.mmap( fp.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ )
    if fileType == 'fhir':
        return f.find( XML_MARKERS[ 'fhir' ] ) > 0
    if fileType in [ 'ccd', 'cda' ]:
        ok = f.find( XML_MARKERS[ fileType ] )
        if not ok:
            return False
    if fileType == 'cda':           # enough to be a valid CDA...
        return True
    # to return True, this must be a valid CCD (including CCDA) meaning both markers here...
    if f.find( CCD_MARKERS[ 0 ] ) < 1:
        return False
    if f.find( CCD_MARKERS[ 1 ] ) < 1:
        return False
    return True

import mmap

def validateString( fileType=None, string=None ):
    """ Support by-string as a useful option? """
    fileType = CORRECT_TYPE.get( TYPES.get( fileType, 0 ), 'BAD' )
    if fileType == 'BAD':
        return False
    elif fileType == 'json':
            json.loads( string )
            return True
        except ValueError:
            return False
    elif fileType == 'xml':
            elementTree = ElementTree.fromstring( string )
            loadXmlAsDictionary( elementTree, root=True )
        except ElementTree.ParseError:
            return False
        # TODO: apply extra tests for FHIR, CDA, CCD, etc?
        return True
    elif fileType == 'pdf':
        return False  # (unsupported by design)
    return False

def loadXmlAsDictionary( elementTree, root=True ):
    if root:
        return { elementTree.tag : loadXmlAsDictionary( elementTree, False ) }
    dictionary = copy( elementTree.attrib )
    if elementTree.text:
        dictionary[ "_text" ] = elementTree.text
    for x in elementTree.findall( "./*" ):
        if x.tag not in dictionary:
            dictionary[ x.tag ] =[]
        dictionary[ x.tag ].append( loadXmlAsDictionary( x,False ) )
    return dictionary

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len( sys.argv ) <= 1:
        sys.exit( main( [ '--help' ] ) )
    elif len( sys.argv ) >= 1:
        sys.exit( main( sys.argv ) )

# vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab:

Handy if a bit off-the-cuff test utilities I threw in...
import os
import sys
import tempfile

PRINT = False

def spinCommandLine( scriptName=None, commandLine=None ):
    ''' This will turn test with spaces into a command line as if sys.argv. '''
    sys_argv = []
    if not commandLine:
        return sys_argv
    sys_argv.append( scriptName )
    sys_argv.extend( commandLine.split( ' ' ) )
    return sys_argv

def createTemporaryFile( extension=None, contents=None ):
    if extension:
        (fd, path) = tempfile.mkstemp( suffix=extension )
        (fd, path) = tempfile.mkstemp( suffix='.tmp' )
    if contents:
        os.write( fd, contents )
    os.close( fd )
    return path

def readTemporaryFileAsString( path=None ):
    if not path:
        return ''
    string = ''
        with open( path, 'r' ) as f:
            for line in f:
                string = string + line
    except Exception as e:
        print( 'I/O operation failed on temporary file: %s' % e )

def eraseTemporaryFile( path=None ):
    if not path:
    os.remove( path )

def turnOnPrinting( enable=False ):
    PRINT = enable

def printOrNot( thing='' ):
    if not PRINT:
    print thing


def printTestCaseName( functionName ):
    Call thus:
    printTestCaseName( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name )
    --helps you sort through unit test output by creating a banner.
    if not PRINT:
    banner = '\nRunning test case %s ' % functionName
    length = len( banner )
    sys.stdout.write( banner )
    for col in range( length, CONSOLE_WIDTH ):
        sys.stdout.write( '-' )
    sys.stdout.write( '\n' )

Sample Python data structure-to-XML serializer

Python data structure-to-XML serialization serializes:

             'uri': '',
             'pages': '245'
           'type': 'pdf'
             'uri': ''
           'type': 'web'
        'url': '',
        'date': 'June 24, 2009',
        'type': 'CC'
      'title': 'The Newness of Python',
      'date': 'June 6, 2009',
        'Python is very nice. Very, very nice.'
      'author': 'John Doe'

  <document date="June 6, 2009" author="John Doe" title="The Newness of Python">
    <copyright url="" date="June 24, 2009" type="CC" />
    <text> Python is very nice. Very, very nice. </text>
      <format type="pdf">
        <info uri="" pages="245" />
      <format type="web">
        <info uri="" />

While this is very nice, I struggle to conceive of a stable Java class that could represent this to such a point as for XStream to deserialize it. (This is germane because I was trying to think of a way to serialize a Python object to XML, deliver it to a servlet written in Java, then deserializing it to and consuming it from a POJO.)

Here's the code (

Py2XML - Python to XML serialization

This code transforms a Python data structures into an XML document

__author__ = "David McCuskey"
__since__  = "16 June 2010"

    serializer = Py2XML()
    xml_string = serializer.parse( python_object )
    print python_object
    print xml_string

class Py2XML():

    def __init__( self ): = "" # where we store the processed XML string

    def parse( self, pythonObj, objName=None ):
        processes Python data structure into XML string
        needs objName if pythonObj is a List
        if pythonObj == None:
            return ""

        if isinstance( pythonObj, dict ):
   = self._PyDict2XML( pythonObj )

        elif isinstance( pythonObj, list ):
            # we need name for List object
   = self._PyList2XML( pythonObj, objName )

   = "<%(n)s>%(o)s</%(n)s>" % { 'n':objName, 'o':str( pythonObj ) }


    def _PyDict2XML( self, pyDictObj, objName=None ):
        process Python Dict objects
        They can store XML attributes and/or children
        tagStr = ""     # XML string for this level
        attributes = {} # attribute key/value pairs
        attrStr = ""    # attribute string of this level
        childStr = ""   # XML string of this level's children

        for k, v in pyDictObj.items():

            if isinstance( v, dict ):
                # child tags, with attributes
                childStr += self._PyDict2XML( v, k )

            elif isinstance( v, list ):
                # child tags, list of children
                childStr += self._PyList2XML( v, k )

                # tag could have many attributes, let's save until later
                attributes.update( { k:v } )

        if objName == None:
            return childStr

        # create XML string for attributes
        for k, v in attributes.items():
            attrStr += " %s=\"%s\"" % ( k, v )

        # let's assemble our tag string
        if childStr == "":
            tagStr += "<%(n)s%(a)s />" % { 'n':objName, 'a':attrStr }
            tagStr += "<%(n)s%(a)s>%(c)s</%(n)s>" % { 'n':objName, 'a':attrStr, 'c':childStr }

        return tagStr

    def _PyList2XML( self, pyListObj, objName=None ):
        process Python List objects
        They have no attributes, just children
        Lists only hold Dicts or Strings
        tagStr = ""    # XML string for this level
        childStr = ""  # XML string of children

        for childObj in pyListObj:

            if isinstance( childObj, dict ):
                # here's some Magic
                # we're assuming that List parent has a plural name of child:
                # eg, persons > person, so cut off last char
                # name-wise, only really works for one level, however
                # in practice, this is probably ok
                childStr += self._PyDict2XML( childObj, objName[:-1] )
                for string in childObj:
                    childStr += string;

        if objName == None:
            return childStr

        tagStr += "<%(n)s>%(c)s</%(n)s>" % { 'n':objName, 'c':childStr }
        return tagStr

def main():
    python_object =\
                 'uri': '',
                 'pages': '245'
               'type': 'pdf'
                 'uri': ''
               'type': 'web'
            'url': '',
            'date': 'June 24, 2009',
            'type': 'CC'
          'title': 'The Newness of Python',
          'date': 'June 6, 2009',
            'Python is very nice. Very, very nice.'
          'author': 'John Doe'

    serializer = Py2XML()
    xml_string = serializer.parse( python_object )
    print python_object
    print xml_string

if __name__ == '__main__':