Install Ubuntu Server 24.04.1 Live Server
on Dell Precision Tower 5810
- The internal DVD drive is broken and doesn't work, though I'm pretty sure
I installed Linux Mint from an ISO using this drive a few years ago.
- I substituted a USB plug-in DVD (Blu-ray) external drive containing
the Ubuntu Server ISO.
- I also attempted to boot from a thumb drive containing the
Ubuntu Server ISO; this did not work.
- It appears that the 1Tb SSD cannot be reformatted so is of no use
as the boot disk; maybe as a filesystem after the system comes up.
Steps taken...
- Redo boot sequence to remove all but:
- USB booting plus...
- the 2Tb hard drive.
- Reboot and the ISO on the external DVD (Blu-ray) drive will boot.
- Install Ubuntu Server.
- When offered to update the installer, accept to do that.
- Fill in the installation options including use
of the 2Tb hard drive.
- When finished, remove the install media and the external DVD (Blu-ray)
drive itself.
- Reboot using power switch.
- During reboot, hold down F2 or F12.
- Set the boot sequence to:
- ST2000DM001-1ER164 (2Tb hard drive)
- USB Storage Device
- If the 1Tb SSD is left in the sequence, Linux Mint will boot since
that's where I installed it a couple of years ago.
- The result is always, "No Boot Device Found. Press any key to reboot the
Things to try...
- Review filesystem device formatting during installation to ensure that
the 1Tb SSD is not part of the mix.
- Boot to the live installer, then open a terminal to zap the partitions
on the 1Tb SSD with a command like wipefs -a /dev/sda.
- It might be good to find the setting and enable UEFI (and even disable
Legacy/BIOS boot).