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Resource bundles, part III

This is really just a tighter solution, one's that working right now in production code, to what was done in previous resource-bundle notes.

package com.windofkeltia.configuration;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import static java.util.Objects.isNull;
import com.windofkeltia.utilities.StringUtilities;

public class ConfigurationBundleTest
  private static final String BUNDLENAME = "application";

  public static void main( String[] args )
    ResourceBundle  bundle = null;

      bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle( BUNDLENAME );
    catch( MissingResourceException e )
      System.out.println( "No bundle \"" + BUNDLENAME + "\" was found.");

    if( isNull( bundle ) )
      System.out.println( "No properties read." );

    System.out.println( "Bundle resources name is: \"" + bundle.getBaseBundleName() + "\"" );

    Map< String, String > properties  = new HashMap<>();
    Enumeration< String > keys        = bundle.getKeys();
    int                   maxKeyWidth = 0;

    while( keys.hasMoreElements() )
      String key   = keys.nextElement();
      String value = bundle.getString( key );

      properties.put( key, value );
      maxKeyWidth = Math.max( maxKeyWidth, key.length() );

    for( Map.Entry< String, String > property : properties.entrySet() )
      String key   = property.getKey();
      String value = property.getValue();
      System.out.println( "  " + StringUtilities.padStringLeft( key, maxKeyWidth ) + " = " + value );

Here's the output from the test above. What was in simple-resource.txt? Exactly what you see here.

Bundle resources name is: "application" disableSsl = false timeout = 20 doInput = true accept = application/xml pathname = ixmlgenerator mode = development hostname = localhost doOutput = true port = 7070 useCache = false readTimeout = 20

Where's the properties file?

Last, where is the file put? That depends on just what the application is. In this case, I created it for a server that I'm running in Tomcat.


This is where the maven-war-plugin puts the properties file originally located on path application/src/main/resources/application.properties:

PATH = "/opt/tomcat/webapps/application/WEB-INFO/classes/" + BUNDLENAME + ".properties";

If this is for some other form of Java output, perhaps a JAR file, I would have to look for it.

Development/JUnit testing

If this copy is missing, JUnit will grab the production one, but this is a way to have different properties when running JUnit tests. The file is kept on the path application/src/test/resources/application.properties.