I wanted to implement a Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit API.
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package com.etretatlogiciels.samples.converters; /** * I just wanted to implement a Fahrenheit to Celsius converter in Java. * * TODO: There are too many decimals given in the answers; round these. * * @author Russell Bateman, April 2009 */ public class TemperatureConversion { public static float celsiusToFahrenheit( float celsius ) { return( celsius * 9 / 5 ) + 32; } public static float fahrenheitToCelsius( float fahrenheit ) { return( fahrenheit - 32 ) * 5 / 9; } public static void main( String[] args ) { System.out.println( "-273C is " + TemperatureConversion.celsiusToFahrenheit( -273 ) + " degrees Fahrenheit" ); System.out.println( "-40F is " + TemperatureConversion.fahrenheitToCelsius( -40 ) + " degrees Celsius" ); System.out.println( "100C is " + TemperatureConversion.celsiusToFahrenheit( 100 ) + " degrees Fahrenheit" ); System.out.println(); System.out.println( "Bake bread at " + TemperatureConversion.fahrenheitToCelsius( 500 ) + " degrees Celsius (500F)" ); System.out.println( "Good barbecue slowly reaches " + TemperatureConversion.fahrenheitToCelsius( 205 ) + " degrees Celsius (205)" ); } } // vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 noexpandtab:
-273C is -459.4 degrees Fahrenheit -40F is -40.0 degrees Celsius 100C is 212.0 degrees Fahrenheit Bake bread at 260.0 degrees Celsius (500F) Good barbecue slowly reaches 96.111115 degrees Celsius (205F)