Git Lifecycle: Git commits

last update:

A short guide to writing industry-standard Git commit messages. This information comes from posts and articles about good Git-message writing.

  1. Messages should be strictly specific to the code committed.
  2. Code committed should not be "a big pile" of different work, but targeting a succinct and intact goal and the commit message should reflect that.
  3. Messages should be readable and understandable by people who do not commit to the code base or even write code.
  4. Looking back at the code one year on, you should be able to understand the change and the reason for it.
  5. Before composing a commit message, ask yourself:

A schema to follow

[ #: ] type-of-change: [ scope: ] description

...where # is the issue or bug reporting reference from e.g.: JIRA, Bugzilla, etc., and

...type-of-change is one of:

Type Description
fix changes to resolve a bug in the codebase
feature chages to add a new feature to the code base
chore changes not related to a feature or a bug, but involve modification or updating dependencies
refactor changes involving refactored code, but do not include refactoring
docs changes filed to documentation, or markdown
style changes to coding style in the codebase
test changes to test files including corrections, bug fixes
performance changes to improve the applications's performance
ci changes to CI integration such as in files and scripts
build changes to files involving build files
revert reverting to a previous commit

For example:

UI-192: feature: Add cancel button to the dialog.