Copyright ©April 2010 by |
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(Note: In this document, I use British instead of American typographic conventions for greater clarity. For instance, I end a sentence with a filename in quotes placing the sentential period outside them because to put it where it is correct in the United States would be to introduce potential inaccuracy causing the reader to wonder if the filename was not to end in a period, e.g.:
name the file "styles.css".
and not
name the file "styles.css."
Most American developers don't even know about this phenomenon: it's time our publishers switched to follow the more logical British conventions.)
We're not going to be able to spend time in this tutorial setting up Eclipse, Java, Tomcat or the libraries needed for JSF work. This is all explained on my Java Hot Chocolate website, probably where you went to find this tutorial in the first place. Look around on the index page for topics with names like "Setting up..."
This tutorial also assumes that you can read and write Java as well as understand HTML, XML and XML-based structures such as found in web-page coding.
Last, this tutorial assumes you are already familiar with Eclipse and can get around in it. Unlike other articles and tutorials on my site, getting around in Eclipse will not be explained in any level of minutia here. You must know how to create new classes, new JSPs, work the program editor, create a Dynamic Web Project, configure everything necessary in Java Build Path, and other common tasks. If you are lacking in any of this, please consult my website, the Internet in general and the Eclipse newcomers' and web tools platform (WTP) forums.
First, as explained on Java Hot Chocolate's about page, I'm not pretending to be some JEE guru who can mentor you to dizzying heights of web application development acumen. In fact, I feel like a beginner myself and have met with horrible failure over the years as I've made the switch from C and assembly, operating system- and network-level work over the early years of my career. It's the frequent failures that have motivated me to write things up as I learn them, then return to what I write up and polish them into tutorials.
So, do not use this tutorial as the only way to learn JSF, but use it to get started building Eclipse projects that use JSF, then move to sup at the feet of more masterful authors.
Still, we're going to take a crack at the theoretical part.
JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a user-interface (UI) component based the Java web application framework. JSF is serverbased, that is the JSF UI components and their state are represented on the server. A JSF application run in a standard web container, e.g.: Tomcat, GlassFish, Jetty, etc. JSF defines a standard life-cycle for the UI components.
JSF is part of the Java EE standard, formerly known as J2EE. Sun Microsystems provides a reference implementation but there are also alternatives such as Apache MyFaces, RichFaces (JBoss community) and more modern incantations.
JSF is a request-driven model-view-controller (MVC) web framework that uses XML files to define its behavior.
Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a software architecture, currently considered a pattern in software engineering. The purpose of this pattern is to isolate "domain logic" (the application logic for the user) from input and presentation logic (the GUI). This has the side effect of permitting independent development, testing and maintenance of each part.
The major impetus behind JSF was the inability of JSP to implement MVC. If you began investigating JSF subsequent to mastering JSP, as did I, then you need to set aside some of what you learned. Writing Java code inside the JSP (JSF) page from now on is counterproductive and murky: a complete violation of the MVC pattern.
The model is the domain-specific representation of the data on which the application operates. Domain logic adds meaning to raw data (for example, calculating whether today is the user's birthday, or the totals, taxes and shipping charges for shopping cart items). When a model changes its state, it notifies its associated views so they can be refreshed.
The model includes the database schema. Many applications use a persistent storage mechanism such as a database to store data. This is encapsulated within the model.
The view renders the model into a form suitable for interaction, typically a user interface element. Multiple views can exist for a single model for different purposes. Etc.
Last, the controller receives input and initiates responses by making calls on model objects.
An MVC application is a collection of model/view/controller triplets, each responsible for a different UI element or view.
A JSF application consists of web pages containing JSF UI components. Your application requires two configuration files. First, just as for JSP, web.xml. Second, providing half of the controller implementation for your MVC application, faces-config.xml.
As noted, web.xml is identical in use and composition to this file in a JavaServer Pages (JSP) application. JSF builds on JSP as a logical step beyond in the sense that it uses JSP for its display technology, though technological enhancements to that exist in Faces which won't be introduced here.
Concretely, you'll begin to recognize JSF in the .jsp page more by special tags than by anything else, whereas you recognize JSP partly by the presence of <% ... %> and other constructs, and partly by the unmistakable presence of Java code.
faces-config.xml, the principal configuration file for JSF, defines:
A managed bean is a type of Java bean or reusable software component that is created and initialized with dependency injection. Dependency injection is a technique for supplying external values upon which a component or bean is dependent, usually for its initialization.
Let's get into it. Consider the class Person, ...
package com.etretatlogiciels.jsf; public class Person { String firstName; . . . }
Managed beans are "plain, old Java objects" (POJOs) declared in faces-config.xml. For example, you can define a Java object Person. Once you define the object in faces-config.xml you use the attributes of Person in your UI components by binding the field, say, firstName of an object of this class to a JSF input field.
JSF uses the Java Unified Expression Language, used also by JSP, to bind UI components to object attributes or methods. This "language" consists of the XML tags you will come to recognize in the JSP/JSF code.
A managed bean is specified in faces-config.xml thus:
<managed-bean> <managed-bean-name> Person </managed-bean-name> <managed-bean-class> com.etretatlogiciels.jsf.Person </managed-bean-class> <managed-bean-scope> session </managed-bean-scope> </managed-bean>
The various scopes available for managed beans are:
<managed-bean-scope> session|request|application|none </managed-bean-scope>
The bean scope sets its lifecycle.
session | This scope means that an instance of the bean will persist during the entire life of the session or connection between client and server. A most common example of this is the commerce site "shopping cart". | ||
request | This bean exists (or is stored) for the length of a single request (client to server). Subsequent requests force new copies to be created with default initializations as you might expect. (Remember: a managed bean is just a plain old Java object.) | ||
application | Application scope means an instance of the bean will persist during the entire time the web application is up and running. This might make good sense for an object in which a database source is embedded. | ||
none | This sort of bean isn't "stored" anywhere for any length of time; it's just created on the fly as needed and garbage-collected once there are no more references to it. |
It is the framework within the Tomcat (etc.) container that ensures the communication of values between HTML (user/presentation) and the component (POJO).
A typical JSF application includes one or more of these backing beans, as components associated with UI components in a page. A backing bean defines UI component properties, each of which is bound to either a component's value or a component instance. A backing bean can also define methods that perform functions associated with a component, including validation, event handling, and navigation processing.
For example, in the schema of a DVD catalog, in the DvdTitle class, there might be a getAll() method that fetches all the titles in the database for list on a page (using an <h:dataTable ... > construct). Or a backing bean might implement a clear() method for an <h:commandButton ... type="reset" /> contruct that resets all the edit fields, option lists, checkboxes and radio buttons to their default values on a page.
A backing bean is not going to be part of the Controller. It's really part of the Model. Although it can contain some controller helper functionality, it's primarily part of the Model. Most of the Controller logic in JSF is in the FacesServlet, faces-config.xml and the tag implementations.
And action processors, such as are found especially in Struts, aren't controllers in the strict sense of the word. They're more of a business logic function with ties to the dispatcher.
Let's create a web application that uses JSF. Start by downloading all the libraries we're going to have to use. This is the trick. It isn't just a matter of downloading Apache MyFaces and the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag libraries (JSTL). Those would be enough for only a simple JSF application. There are lots of libraries you must have in order to do a real one. But, let's start with those. You should have set up Eclipse for web application development based on How to Set Up Eclipse for Web Application Development.
Of course, if you use Maven, it can sort out just about all the dependencies you have assuming you can write the pom.xml file. We're not taking that approach here and I'm not going to provide a pom file.
You may find as we go that you'll need to add Apache log4j and still other libraries as we go.
There are some things I'm going to show step-by-step since they're part of writing JSF applications
You will want checks in boxes next to Dynamic Web Module (2.5), Java (6.0) and JavaServer Faces (1.2). You may leave JavaScript Toolkit any way you want it for later use—we won't be worrying about it in this tutorial.
Note: I'm assuming a brand-new Galileo workspace set up with JDK 1.6.0+ and Tomcat 6.x. If this is not your environment, you may need to establish such an Eclipse environment to avoid misunderstanding or frustration while following this tutorial.
# The root logger is assigned priority level DEBUG and an appender named # myAppender. log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG,myAppender # The appender's type specified as ConsoleAppender, i.e. log output to # the Eclipse console. (Could have been FileAppender.) log4j.appender.myAppender=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender # The appender is assigned a layout SimpleLayout. SimpleLayout will # include only priority level of the log statement and the log statement # itself in the log output. log4j.appender.myAppender.layout=org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout
How this works: when a component calls a log4j method to log a message, log4j looks for a configuration file at the top of the classpath, which is the root of your src directory for Eclipse. If you want to subsume this file under a folder named, e.g.: resources, you must tell log4j where to go to find it. For more information on this, see my notes on log4j.
In messages.properties, put:
# Common title and other common things... dvdcatalog.title = DVD Catalog dvdcatalog.logo = images/dvdcatalog-logo.png # login.jsp and invalidlogin.jsp login.title = Login to the DVD Catalog login.username = Username: login.password = Password: login.button = Login login.succeeded = login has succeeded login.failed = login has failed # validlogin.jsp and powerlogin.jsp validlogin.title = Welcome to the DVD Catalog! validlogin.rights = You are authorized to release the missile. validlogin.button = View the catalog
And, in messages_fr.properties, put exactly the same properties, but translated:
# Common title and other common things... dvdcatalog.title = Catalogue DVDs dvdcatalog.logo = images/dvdcatalog-logo.png # login.jsp and invalidlogin.jsp login.title = Autorisation d'acc�s au catalogue DVDs login.username = Usager : login.password = Mot de passe : login.button = Autoriser login.succeeded = autorisation est r�ussie login.failed = autorisation a �chou� # validlogin.jsp and powerlogin.jsp validlogin.title = Bienvenu(e) au catalogue DVDs ! validlogin.rights = Vous �tes autoris�(e) � modifier son contenu. validlogin.button = Inspecter le catalog
If you can't reproduce the accents (you're on Linux or you just don't know how), don't sweat it.
p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, th, td, li, dd { font-family: Candara; }
Type or copy the following code into this new file.
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> <%@ taglib prefix="f" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"%> <%@ taglib prefix="h" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"%> <%@ page import="java.util.Locale" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <title> DVD Catalog </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/styles.css" type="text/css" /> </head> <% // perform a trial set to France-French Locale frn = new Locale( "fr" ); Locale.setDefault( frn ); %> <body> <f:view> <f:loadBundle basename="com.etretatlogiciels.dvdcatalog.messages" var="msg" /> <h:form> <table> <tr> <td> </td> <td width="10"> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"> <h2> <h:outputText value="#{msg['dvdcatalog.title']}" /> </h2> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" align="center"> <h:graphicImage value="#{msg['dvdcatalog.logo']}" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"> <br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> <h:outputText value="#{msg['login.username']}" /> </td> <td> </td> <td> [edit field] </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> <h:outputText value="#{msg['login.password']}" /> </td> <td></td> <td> [edit field] </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" align="center"> [button] </td> </tr> </table> </h:form> </f:view> </body> </html>
Now start the server and run login.jsp. This will use Eclipse's internal browser. You should see something like this:
It's also possible to run this in a browser outside of Eclipse. Simply paste the address into your browser:
What you're seeing is...
elements go
to get the strings out of messages_fr.properties instead of
JavaServer Pages work by being "compiled" into a virtual servlet that is then executed. This servlet could be coded by hand in Java, however, the genius of JSP is that you can do the presentation in a more comfortable HTML-looking way instead of making calls to spew HTML code down the wire at the client browser.
Intermingled in the more or less recognizable HTML code of a JSP file are
optional Java statements that do things that couldn't be done from HTML. In our
case here, the block setting the locale to France-French as delimited using
<% ... %>
. There are many other JSP constructs we could and
may use as our project grows in capacity. However, this is primarily a JSF
As noted elsewhere, JSF uses JSP as it's primary display technology. JSF is a formalism originally based on JSP by which replacement of UI elements can be done backed by beans yielding runtime information. This is what we're here to learn.
...back, of course, by beans. In our first run, we simulated logging in, but were unable to type in username and password or even submit the login request to the application. Because managinge usernames and passwords is more complex than anything we could perform using HTML forms, and difficult as well to perform using JSP constructs (in-line Java code), we will create some beans to manage the process for us and make them do the work live in our log-in page.
We'll start by setting up a bean to handle all authorization for the application. We don't want our web application to allow just anyone to view the list of our DVDs.
Right-click on the package you created in the project src folder. Add a new class named User. Once it's created, add the obvious guts to it: a username and password. I'm also going to add some logging because a) I always do and b) I figure I'll probably need it later for debugging, maintaining and supporting customers of my application (even though for now, this bean is excedingly simple).
package com.etretatlogiciels.dvdcatalog; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class User { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger( User.class ); private String name = null; private String password = null; public User() { } public final String getLoginname() { return this.name; } public final String getPassword() { return this.password; } public final void setLoginname( String loginname ){ this.name = loginname; } public final void setPassword( String password ) { this.password = password; } }
In pursuit of test-driven development (TDD), let's first add a test of our future User bean by creating a new Eclipse Source Folder, a package and a new class, UserTest. Since we don't want to ship our tests out with the application, we do this in a separate filesystem, test.
A Source Folder in Eclipse is a special thing. You can create any additional files and folders you want, but any Java code in them will not be built unless they are in Source Folders. There are two ways to make them Source Folders. First, as done here, you can create them that way. Alternatively, you can promote an existing folder to the status of Source Folder. We would have to do this if we created test as a simple folder first.
You do not have to make Source Folders of any folders you create underneath an existing Source Folder (like src). In fact, Eclipse won't let you do that.
-> Other... -> Java -> JUnit -> JUnit Test Case
. Name
this new class "UserTest" and type "User" as the Class under
test: below.
package com.etretatlogiciels.dvdcatalog; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class UserTest extends TestCase { User user = null; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); this.user = new User(); } public void testLogin() { fail( "Not yet implemented" ); } }
Now, run this new test by right-clicking on UserTest and choosing
Run As -> JUnit Test
. You should get a new tab in the Eclipse
workbench, JUnit, and a sort of console showing all the individual
tests failing (and the big, red bar of failure).
To put it naïvely, what testing first is all about is writing tests that fail, then enhancing the software to fix the bugs revealed by the failed tests. At first, the bugs aren't really bugs, but unimplemented features.
Next we choose to implement and test the setters. Since they return void, there's nothing that can fail. However, when we test the getters, we'll see if the setters worked.
Now replace the testLogin() method with
public void testLogin() { Assert.assertNotNull( this.user ); }
...and re-run the test. You'll see a green checkmark replace the blue X for that one test in the previous illustration. This is success, if trivial, because we're testing that getting a new instance of User, something we're going to do for each and every test method, in setUp().
It may seem a bit stupid to test getters and setters. Indeed, most out there share this opinion outside of a short list of caveats. See On Testing Beans with JUnit. Nevertheless, outside of our refusal to unit-test bean accessor methods, we'll always write a test here first before attempting to implement actual code.
Now that we've got our bean and its test code set up, let's add more test code for testing the login functionality. Enhance UserTest.testLogin():
public void testLogin() { Assert.assertNotNull( this.user ); // test a power user... this.user.setName ( "russ" ); this.user.setPassword( "test123" ); Assert.assertEquals( LoginValidator.POWER_LOGIN, this.user.login() ); // test a valid user... this.user.setName ( "julene" ); this.user.setPassword( "test123" ); Assert.assertEquals( LoginValidator.VALID_LOGIN, this.user.login() ); this.user.setName ( "tester" ); this.user.setPassword( "" ); Assert.assertEquals( LoginValidator.VALID_LOGIN, this.user.login() ); // test a non-existent user... this.user.setName ( "Uncle Skeezix" ); this.user.setPassword( "snagglepuss" ); Assert.assertEquals( LoginValidator.INVALID_LOGIN, this.user.login() ); }
Now we're left with a bunch of compilation errors. We're missing a login() method in User and an entire class, LoginValidator. First, the new method:
public String login() { String ans = LoginValidator.isUserAndPasswordValid( this.name, this.password ); log.info( "User " + this.name + " with password " + this.password + " is logging in; status: " + ans + " user" ); return ans; }
...which brings us to the validator. In our JSF login code, we'll want a validator that either accepts the username and password typed in or throws a ValidatorException. Out of convenience, we're also going to use this class to manage users and passwords until we put those into persistence. Also, we'll use it to hold an evaludation method that User.login() can call to find out whether a user is a) valid, b) a power user (more on this later) or c) not a user.
package com.etretatlogiciels.dvdcatalog.validator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.validator.Validator; import javax.faces.validator.ValidatorException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * This class is the JSF validator, but it also contains all the user and password * information and, as such implements a bit more for Login to use. The * usernames and passwords must not leave this class. Also, this class needs to operate * off a surer username/password store than the hack we have here. * * @author Russell Bateman */ public class LoginValidator implements Validator { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger( LoginValidator.class ); private static HashMap< String, String > validUsers = new HashMap< String, String >(); private static ArrayList< String > powerUsers = new ArrayList< String >(); static { validUsers.put( "russ", "test123" ); powerUsers.add( "russ" ); validUsers.put( "julene", "test123" ); validUsers.put( "tester", "" ); powerUsers.add( "tester" ); // see note! } /** * This only validates the existence of users for logging in. It does not validate * passwords. By simply returning (rather than throwing an exception), this method * is saying the username is valid and we are okay to check the password (elsewhere). * * @param context - per-request state. * @param component - the user interface component. * @param value - the username. * @throws ValidatorException */ public void validate( FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value ) throws ValidatorException { String user = ( String ) value; if( validUsers.get( user ) != null ) return; if( false ) { context.hashCode(); component.hashCode(); } FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage(); String msg = "User " + user + " does not exist"; log.error( msg ); message.setDetail( msg ); message.setSummary( "Login is incorrect" ); message.setSeverity( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR ); throw new ValidatorException( message ); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * The interfaces below are not properly part of the whole Validator thing. * I just decided to put them here for relevance and convenience. */ public static final String INVALID_LOGIN = "failed", VALID_LOGIN = "succeeded", POWER_LOGIN = "power"; /** * This method gives too much information to the log, but we're only doing * this during construction. When we begin persisting our usernames and * passwords, we'll stop doing it. * * @return "failed", "succeeded" or "power" that the user/password combination * is authorized or authorized and it's a power user. */ public static final String isUserAndPasswordValid( String name, String x_password ) { String password = validUsers.get( name ); if( password == null ) { log.error( "No such user name " + name ); return "failed"; } else if( password.length() == 0 ) { log.info( "User " + name + " did not require a password" ); // (Note: you can have a user without password, but it cannot be a power user!) return "succeeded"; } if( !x_password.equals( password ) ) { log.error( "Password does not match " + name ); return "failed"; } log.info( "User " + name + " logged in" ); if( powerUsers.contains( name ) ) { log.info( "User " + name + " is a power user" ); return "power"; } return "succeeded"; } }
Once all the code has been added, we can run the JUnit test successfully and we'll see this on Eclipse's console:
INFO - User russ logged in INFO - User russ is a power user INFO - User russ with password test123 is logging in; status: power user INFO - User julene logged in INFO - User julene with password test123 is logging in; status: succeeded user INFO - User tester did not require a password INFO - User tester with password is logging in; status: succeeded user ERROR - No such user name Uncle Skeezix INFO - User Uncle Skeezix with password snagglepuss is logging in; status: failed user
From this point on, we'll spend less time on the step-by-step, test-driven development and relegate the source code to links on a separate page. We do this so we can concentrate on the more JSF-critical aspects of the tutorial.
If your JSP gives the error about not having a validation id, and you're sure all is right, bounce Eclipse.